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Publicações por CESE


Internacionalização de PME no Continente Americano: Revisão da Literatura

Pires Ribau, C; Carrizo Moreira, A; Raposo, M;


dado o interesse premente, não só da comunidade académica como do mundo empresarial, sobre a internacionalização das empresas, esta investigação faz uma revisão da literatura empírica sobre a internacionalização de Pequenas e Médias Empresas (PME) no continente americano, a partir das principais bases de dados académicas. Partindo de um conjunto de 329 artigos, este estudo analisa em pormenor 39 destes, entre 1999 e 2014, contribuindo significativamente para o desenvolvimento do conhecimento e da compreensão da investigação feita até à data nesta área. Com esta análise, foram identificadas tendências e padrões, podendo concluir-se que a investigação feita sobre a internacionalização de PME centra-se nos Estados Unidos e no Canadá, influenciada sobretudo por quatro grandes tópicos: teorias da internacionalização, estratégia, desempenho e perspetiva internacional. Conclui-se igualmente que há uma predominância quantitativa. As conclusões e interpretações sobre oportunidades para futuras investigações são de relevância tanto para a comunidade académica como para a empresarial.


Relationships between universities and enterprises: The perspective of small and medium-sized firms

Moreira, AC; Vallejo, AC;

Handbook of Research on Strategic Innovation Management for Improved Competitive Advantage

The university-enterprise (U-E) relationship is a topic that has gathered much interest in the academic world. Universities seek to offer services and technology that help firms to build and foster a harmonious U-E relationship, allowing firms to continually renew their involvement in the relationship. This chapter seeks to analyze the role played by various factors-satisfaction, commitment as perceived by firms, perceived commitment by universities, trust, and reputation-in encouraging firms to continuously renew their involvement in the university relationship. A questionnaire was produced drawing on a literature review looking at U-E relationships, the results of which were then analyzed using partial least squares - structural equation modelling (PLS-SEM). Afyer analyzing 80 responses from firms involved in U-E relationships, it was possible to conclude that commitment of firms, reputation, and the perceived commitment of the universities are very important in the continuous participation of firms in U-E relationships. © 2018, IGI Global.


SME internationalization research: Mapping the state of the art

Ribau, CP; Moreira, AC; Raposo, M;

Canadian Journal of Administrative Sciences

This paper offers a review of published conceptual and empirical studies indexed in the main academic search databases, covering literature on the internationalization of small and medium-sized firms. We analyzed a total of 554 papers covering the period between 1977 and 2014, and found the following general trends: empirical research focuses mainly on Europe and is characterized by a diversity that identifies 74 different topics. This study provides academics and practitioners with a clear perspective on future directions of SME internationalization and contributes to our understanding of the relevant research to date. Copyright © 2016 ASAC. Published by John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. Copyright © 2016 ASAC. Published by John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.


Smes’ internationalization in the American continent: A literature review [Internationalisation des pme sur le continent Américain: Revue de la littérature] [Internacionalização de pme no continente Americano: Revisão da literatura] [Internacionalización de pymes en el continente Americano: Revisión de la literatura]

Ribau, CP; Moreira, AC; Raposo, M;


Considering the pressing interest of the academic community and the business world over the internationalization of Small and Medium-sized Enterprises (smes), this research is aimed to review the empirical literature about smes’ internationalization processes in the American continent, according to information included in the main academic databases. This study makes an in-depth analysis of 39 papers (out of a group of 329) published between 1999 and 2014, contributing to the construction of knowledge and the understanding of research in this field. This work allowed identifying patterns and trends, as well as concluding that smes’ internationalization research is USA-and-Canada-centered and is largely influenced by four main topics: internationalization theories, strategy, performance and international perspectives. According to the results, it is also concluded that research studies have mainly followed a quantitative approach. Conclusions and interpretations of opportunities for future research are important for both the academic community and the business world.


Strategic decisions on bilateral bidding behavior: evidence from a wholesale electricity market

Moutinho, VF; Moreira, AC; Bento, JPC;


This article analyzes the strategic bilateral bidding behavior in the Spanish electricity wholesale market (OMEL). The collection of data includes information regarding weekly averages of spot prices, the quantity bid in the wholesale market, the quantities purchased in the wholesale market and sold in the open market, and the behavior of conduct parameters for the period from January 2002 to April 2007 for the four largest firms of the Spanish electricity market: Endesa, Iberdrola, Unin Fenosa and Hidrocantabrico. This article employs the New Empirical Industrial Organization approach. The empirical analysis was based on the autoregressive distributed lag approach to cointegration and on the Toda-Yamamoto Granger causality tests to validate the standard version of the theoretical formulation of the standard Cournot model, and its theoretical extension, to encompass the hypothesis of the presence of bid interdependence for electricity quantities sold and bought in the Spanish electricity wholesale market. The results of cointegration and causality analysis reinforce the empirical results of the extended Cournot model with the inclusion of the two main bidding variables that solved the optimization problem of profit maximization for each of the four firms analyzed.


The Challenging Dynamics of Nascent Entrepreneurship

França, A; Vilares, A; Frankenbach, S; Vereb, V; Moreira, AC;

Nascent Entrepreneurship and Successful New Venture Creation - Advances in Business Strategy and Competitive Advantage

Nascent entrepreneurship has long been studied from a variety of perspectives. A major stream of work by psychologists and sociologists suggests that nascent entrepreneurs have distinctive traits and competences. A second focus for research has been studying the environment in which nascent entrepreneurs operates. Recently, the identification and exploitation of entrepreneurial opportunities has emerged as a third focus. In this paper we will address the following questions: (1) what are the individual characteristics of those individuals who are attracted to becoming an entrepreneur? (2) What are the environmental factors contributing to new venture creation? (3) What are the steps in the creation process? We will attempt to answer these three questions by arguing that the central process of nascent entrepreneurship is centred on opportunity recognition, evaluation and exploitation, and influenced by contextual factors (e.g. external knowledge) and personal characteristics and competences (e.g. internal knowledge).

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