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Publicações por CESE


X3S: A Multi-modal Approach to Monitor and Assess Stress through Human-computer Interaction

Goncalves, F; Carneiro, D; Pego, J; Novais, P;


There have been a variety of research approaches that have examined the stress issues related to human-computer interaction including laboratory studies, cross-sectional surveys, longitudinal case studies and intervention studies. A critical review of these studies indicates that there are important physiological, biochemical, somatic and psychological indicators of stress that are related to work activities where human-computer interaction occurs. In a medical or biological context, stress is a physical, mental, or emotional factor that causes bodily or mental tension, which can cause or influence the course of many medical conditions including psychological conditions such as depression and anxiety. In these cases, individuals are under an increasing demand for performance, driving them to be under constant pressure, and consequently to present variations in their levels of stress. To mitigate this condition, this paper proposes to add a new dimension in human-computer interaction through the development of a distributed multi-modal framework approach entitled X3S, which aims to monitor and assess the psychological stress of computer users during high-end tasks, in a non-intrusive and non-invasive way, through the access of soft sensors activity (e.g. task performance and human behaviour). This approach presents as its main innovative key the capacity to validate each stress model trained for each individual through the analysis of cortisol and stress assessment survey data. Overall, this paper discusses how groups of medical students can be monitored through their interactions with the computer. Its main aim is to provide a stress marker that can be effectively used in large numbers of users and without inconvenience.


EUStress: A Human Behaviour Analysis System for Monitoring and Assessing Stress During Exams

Goncalves, F; Carneiro, D; Novais, P; Pego, J;


In today's society, there is a compelling need for innovative approaches for the solution of many pressing problems, such as understanding the fluctuations in the performance of an individual when involved in complex and high-stake tasks. In these cases, individuals are under an increasing demand for performance, driving them to be under constant pressure, and consequently to present variations in their levels of stress. Human stress can be viewed as an agent, circumstance, situation, or variable that disturbs the normal functioning of an individual, that when not managed can bring mental problems, such as chronic stress or depression. In this paper, we propose a different approach for this problem. The EUStress application is a non-intrusive and non-invasive performance monitoring environment based on behavioural biometrics and real time analysis, used to quantify the level of stress of individuals during online exams.


Characterizing attentive behavior in intelligent environments

Duraes, D; Carneiro, D; Jimenez, A; Novais, P;


Learning styles are strongly connected with learning and when it comes to acquiring new knowledge, attention is one the most important mechanisms. The learner's attention affects learning results and can define the success or failure of a student. When students are carrying out learning activities using new technologies, it is extremely important that the teacher has some feedback from the students' work in order to detect potential learning problems at an early stage and then to choose the appropriate teaching methods. In this paper we present a nonintrusive distributed system for monitoring the attention level in students. It is especially suited for classes working at the computer. The presented system is able to provide real-time information about each student as well as information about the class, and make predictions about the best learning style for a student using an ensemble of neural networks. It can be very useful for teachers to identify potentially distracting events and this system might be very useful to the teacher to implement more suited teaching strategies. (C) 2017 Published by Elsevier B.V.


Efficient Transport Simulation With Restricted Batch-Mode Active Learning

Antunes, F; Ribeiro, B; Pereira, FC; Gomes, R;


Simulation modeling is a well-known and recurrent approach to study the performance of urban systems. Taking into account the recent and continuous transformations within increasingly complex and multidimensional cities, the use of simulation tools is, in many cases, the only feasible and reliable approach to analyze such dynamic systems. However, simulation models can become very time consuming when detailed input-space exploration is needed. To tackle this problem, simulation metamodels are often used to approximate the simulators' results. In this paper, we propose an active learning algorithm based on the Gaussian process (CP) framework that gathers the most informative simulation data points in batches, according to both their predictive variances and to the relative distance between them. This allows us to explore the simulators' input space with fewer data points and in parallel, and thus in a more efficient way, while avoiding computationally expensive simulation runs in the process. We take advantage of the closeness notion encoded into the GP to select batches of points in such a way that they do not belong to the same highvariance neighborhoods. In addition, we also suggest two simple and practical user-defined stopping criteria so that the iterative learning procedure can be fully automated. We illustrate this methodology using three experimental settings. The results show that the proposed methodology is able to improve the exploration efficiency of the simulation input space in comparison with non-restricted batch-mode active learning procedures.


Automatic POI matching using an outlier detection based approach

Almeida, A; Alves, A; Gomes, R;

Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics)

Points of Interest (POI) are widely used in many applications nowadays mainly due to the increasing amount of related data available online, notably from volunteered geographic information (VGI) sources. Being able to connect these data from different sources is useful for many things like validating, correcting and also removing duplicated data in a database. However, there is no standard way to identify the same POIs across different sources and doing it manually could be very expensive. Therefore, automatic POI matching has been an attractive research topic. In our work, we propose a novel data-driven machine learning approach based on an outlier detection algorithm to match POIs automatically. Surprisingly, works that have been presented so far do not use data-driven machine learning approaches. The reason for this might be that such approaches need a training dataset to be constructed by manually matching some POIs. To mitigate this, we have taken advantage of the Crosswalk API, available at the time we started our project, which allowed us to retrieve already matched POI data from different sources in US territory. We trained and tested our model with a dataset containing Factual, Facebook and Foursquare POIs from New York City and were able to successfully apply it to another dataset of Facebook and Foursquare POIs from Porto, Portugal, finding matches with an accuracy around 95%. These are encouraging results that confirm our approach as an effective way to address the problem of automatically matching POIs. They also show that such a model can be trained with data available from multiple sources and be applied to other datasets with different locations from those used in training. Furthermore, as a data-driven machine learning approach, the model can be continuously improved by adding new validated data to its training dataset. © Springer Nature Switzerland AG 2018.


MAESTRI efficiency framework as a support tool for industrial symbiosis implementation

Baptista, AJ; Lourenço, EJ; Peças, P; Silva, EJ; Estrela, MA; Holgado, M; Benedetti, M; Evans, S;

WASTES - Solutions, Treatments and Opportunities II - Selected papers from the 4th edition of the International Conference Wastes: Solutions, Treatments and Opportunities, 2017

Industrial Symbiosis (IS) envisages a collaborative approach to resource efficiency, encouraging companies to recover, reprocess and reuse waste within the industrial network. Several challenges regarding the effective application of IS continue to limit a broader implementation of this area of Industrial Ecology. The MAESTRI project encompasses an Industrial Symbiosis approach within the scope of sustainable manufacturing for process industries that fosters the sharing of resources (energy, water, residues, etc.) between different processes of a single company or between multiple companies. The Industrial Symbiosis approach is integrated with Efficiency Framework in the so-called MAESTRI Total Efficiency Framework. Efficiency Framework is devoted to the combination of eco-efficiency (via ecoPROSYS) and the efficiency assessment (via MSM – Multi-Layer Stream Mapping). In this manuscript the benefit of the combination of the Efficiency Framework as an facilitator to a more effective application of Industrial Symbiosis, within or outside the company’s boundaries, is explored. © 2018 Taylor & Francis Group, London, UK.

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