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Publicações por Pedro David Carneiro


OCFR 2022: Competition on Occluded Face Recognition From Synthetically Generated Structure-Aware Occlusions

Neto, PC; Boutros, F; Pinto, JR; Damer, N; Sequeira, AF; Cardoso, JS; Bengherabi, M; Bousnat, A; Boucheta, S; Hebbadj, N; Erakin, ME; Demir, U; Ekenel, HK; Queiroz Vidal, PBd; Menotti, D;




PIC-Score: Probabilistic Interpretable Comparison Score for Optimal Matching Confidence in Single- and Multi-Biometric Face Recognition

Neto, PC; Sequeira, AF; Cardoso, JS; Terhörst, P;

IEEE/CVF Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition, CVPR 2023 - Workshops, Vancouver, BC, Canada, June 17-24, 2023

In the context of biometrics, matching confidence refers to the confidence that a given matching decision is correct. Since many biometric systems operate in critical decision-making processes, such as in forensics investigations, accurately and reliably stating the matching confidence becomes of high importance. Previous works on biometric confidence estimation can well differentiate between high and low confidence, but lack interpretability. Therefore, they do not provide accurate probabilistic estimates of the correctness of a decision. In this work, we propose a probabilistic interpretable comparison (PIC) score that accurately reflects the probability that the score originates from samples of the same identity. We prove that the proposed approach provides optimal matching confidence. Contrary to other approaches, it can also optimally combine multiple samples in a joint PIC score which further increases the recognition and confidence estimation performance. In the experiments, the proposed PIC approach is compared against all biometric confidence estimation methods available on four publicly available databases and five state-of-the-art face recognition systems. The results demonstrate that PIC has a significantly more accurate probabilistic interpretation than similar approaches and is highly effective for multi-biometric recognition. The code is publicly-available1. © 2023 IEEE.


Compressed Models Decompress Race Biases: What Quantized Models Forget for Fair Face Recognition

Neto, PC; Caldeira, E; Cardoso, JS; Sequeira, AF;

International Conference of the Biometrics Special Interest Group, BIOSIG 2023, Darmstadt, Germany, September 20-22, 2023



Model Compression Techniques in Biometrics Applications: A Survey

Caldeira, E; Neto, PC; Huber, M; Damer, N; Sequeira, AF;




Evaluating Privacy on Synthetic Images Generated using GANs: Contributions of the VCMI Team to ImageCLEFmedical GANs 2023

Montenegro, H; Neto, PC; Patrício, C; Torto, IR; Gonçalves, T; Teixeira, LF;

Working Notes of the Conference and Labs of the Evaluation Forum (CLEF 2023), Thessaloniki, Greece, September 18th to 21st, 2023.

This paper presents the main contributions of the VCMI Team to the ImageCLEFmedical GANs 2023 task. This task aims to evaluate whether synthetic medical images generated using Generative Adversarial Networks (GANs) contain identifiable characteristics of the training data. We propose various approaches to classify a set of real images as having been used or not used in the training of the model that generated a set of synthetic images. We use similarity-based approaches to classify the real images based on their similarity to the generated ones. We develop autoencoders to classify the images through outlier detection techniques. Finally, we develop patch-based methods that operate on patches extracted from real and generated images to measure their similarity. On the development dataset, we attained an F1-score of 0.846 and an accuracy of 0.850 using an autoencoder-based method. On the test dataset, a similarity-based approach achieved the best results, with an F1-score of 0.801 and an accuracy of 0.810. The empirical results support the hypothesis that medical data generated using deep generative models trained without privacy constraints threatens the privacy of patients in the training data. © 2023 Copyright for this paper by its authors.


An interpretable machine learning system for colorectal cancer diagnosis from pathology slides

Neto, PC; Montezuma, D; Oliveira, SP; Oliveira, D; Fraga, J; Monteiro, A; Monteiro, J; Ribeiro, L; Gonçalves, S; Reinhard, S; Zlobec, I; Pinto, IM; Cardoso, JS;


Considering the profound transformation affecting pathology practice, we aimed to develop a scalable artificial intelligence (AI) system to diagnose colorectal cancer from whole-slide images (WSI). For this, we propose a deep learning (DL) system that learns from weak labels, a sampling strategy that reduces the number of training samples by a factor of six without compromising performance, an approach to leverage a small subset of fully annotated samples, and a prototype with explainable predictions, active learning features and parallelisation. Noting some problems in the literature, this study is conducted with one of the largest WSI colorectal samples dataset with approximately 10,500 WSIs. Of these samples, 900 are testing samples. Furthermore, the robustness of the proposed method is assessed with two additional external datasets (TCGA and PAIP) and a dataset of samples collected directly from the proposed prototype. Our proposed method predicts, for the patch-based tiles, a class based on the severity of the dysplasia and uses that information to classify the whole slide. It is trained with an interpretable mixed-supervision scheme to leverage the domain knowledge introduced by pathologists through spatial annotations. The mixed-supervision scheme allowed for an intelligent sampling strategy effectively evaluated in several different scenarios without compromising the performance. On the internal dataset, the method shows an accuracy of 93.44% and a sensitivity between positive (low-grade and high-grade dysplasia) and non-neoplastic samples of 0.996. On the external test samples varied with TCGA being the most challenging dataset with an overall accuracy of 84.91% and a sensitivity of 0.996.

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