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Publicações por Ana Pereira


User modelling in scheduling system with artificial neural networks

Cunha, B; Madureira, A; Pereira, JP;

2015 10th Iberian Conference on Information Systems and Technologies, CISTI 2015

User modelling has become a central subject for anybody interested in understanding how users interact with technology. Personalization is a key issue in an era when there is so much information and so many people interacting in so many ways. Modern users desire a customized experience that adapts itself to their requirements and understands what they need even before they notice it. In order to morph any system into an adapting one, every relevant interaction with its users has to be maintained. Then, a mathematical structure capable of discovering patterns amongst that information is necessary, being able to classify users according to the roles they play. With a correct user categorization, the system knows when, how and what to do to adapt its content, via a mixed-initiative approach. In this paper, an artificial neural network is selected as classifier and users are divided in three roles, from beginners to experts. ADSyS, the target system of this proposal, adapts its content based on who is operating it, providing a higher usability. This guide on how to adapt a system to its users is built as part of ADSyS, but is intended to be generalized as a foundation to other systems. © 2015 AISTI.


Scheduling and batching in multi-site flexible flow shop environments

Santos, AS; Madureira, AM; Varela, MLR; Putnik, GD; Kays, HME; Karim, ANM;

2015 10th Iberian Conference on Information Systems and Technologies, CISTI 2015

Global competition and the customers demand for customized products with shorter due dates, marked the introduction of the Extended Enterprise. In this Extended Manufacturing Environment (EME), lean, virtual, networked and distributed enterprises collaborate to respond to the market demands. In this paper we study the influence of the batch size on Flexible Flow Shop makespan minimization problem FFC||Cmax for two multi-sites approaches, the FSBF (Flow Shop Based Factories) and the PMBF (Parallel-Machines Based Factories). The computational study demonstrates how the performance of the PMBF model decreases with the increase of batch size and determines the batch sizes in which the performance is similar. © 2015 AISTI.


A hybrid framework for supporting scheduling in extended manufacturing environments

Santos, AS; Madureira, AM; Varela, MLR; Putnik, GD; Abraham, A;

2014 14th International Conference on Hybrid Intelligent Systems, HIS 2014

In the current marketplace, enterprises face enormous competitive pressures. Global competition for customers that demand customized products with shorter due dates and the advancement in information technologies, marked the introduction of the Extended Enterprise. In these EMEs (Extended Manufacturing Environments), lean, virtual, networked and distributed enterprises, form MO (Meta-Organizations), which collaborate to respond to the dynamic marketplace. MO members share resources, customers and information. In this paper we present a hybrid framework based on a DKBS (Distributed Knowledge Base System), which includes information about scheduling methods for collaborative enterprises sharing their problems. A core component of this system includes an inference engine as well as two indexes, to help in the classification of the usefulness of the information about the problems and solving methods. A more structured approach for expanding the MO concept is presented, with the HO (Hyper-Organization). The manner in which MO-DSS can communicate, cooperate and share information, in the context of the HO is also detailed. © 2014 IEEE.


Ordered minimum completion time heuristic for unrelated parallel-machines problems

E Santos, AS; Madureira, AM;

Iberian Conference on Information Systems and Technologies, CISTI

Scheduling problems in parallel machines have been deeply studied and many are too complex to be solved by exact methods. The unrelated parallel machines makespan minimization problem (Rm||Cmax) is known to be NP-hard and is usually solved using heuristics. Considering heuristics used in these problems, it is possible to identify two different approaches, those that use the execution time to allocate tasks and those that use the completion time. This paper proposes a new heuristic, OMCT (Ordered Minimum Completion Time), based on the performance limitation of the MCT (Minimum Completion Time). The computational study results demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed heuristic. © 2014 AISTI.


Racing based approach for Metaheuristics Parameter Tuning

Pereira, I; Madureira, A;


Metaheuristics are very useful to achieve good solutions in reasonable execution times. Sometimes they even obtain optimal solutions. However, to achieve near-optimal solutions, the appropriate tuning of parameters is required. This paper presents a Racing based learning module proposal for an autonomous parameter tuning of Metaheuristics. After a literature review on Metaheuristics parameter tuning and Racing approaches, the learning module is presented. A computational study for the resolution of the Scheduling problem is also presented. Comparing the preliminary obtained results with previous published results allow to conclude about the effectiveness and efficiency of this proposal.


Scheduling single-machine problem oriented by Just-in-Time principles - A case study

Dantas, JD; Varela, LR; Madureira, AM;

2015 10th Iberian Conference on Information Systems and Technologies, CISTI 2015

Developments in advanced autonomous production resources have increased the interest in the Single-Machine Scheduling Problem (SMSP). Until now, researchers used SMSP with little to no practical application in industry, but with the introduction of multi-purpose machines, able of executing an entire task, such as 3D Printers, replacing extensive production chains, single-machine problems are becoming a central point of interest in real-world scheduling. In this paper we study how simple, easy to implement, Just-in-Time (JIT) based, constructive heuristics, can be used to optimize customer and enterprise oriented performance measures. Customer oriented performance measures are mainly related to the accomplishment of due dates while enterprise-oriented ones typically consider other time-oriented measures. © 2015 AISTI.

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