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Publicações por Felipe Yamada


Mathematical Formulation of Markov Decision Process to Address Maintenance Policy in Photovoltaic Farms

Bacalhau, ET; Barbosa, F; Casacio, L; Yamada, F; Guimarães, L;

Proceeding of the 33rd European Safety and Reliability Conference



Multiobjective Evolutionary Clustering to Enhance Fault Detection in a PV System

Yamada, L; Rampazzo, P; Yamada, F; Guimarães, L; Leitão, A; Barbosa, F;

Springer Proceedings in Mathematics and Statistics

Data clustering combined with multiobjective optimization has become attractive when the structure and the number of clusters in a dataset are unknown. Data clustering is the main task of exploratory data mining and a standard statistical data analysis technique used in many fields, including machine learning, pattern recognition, image analysis, information retrieval, and bioinformatics. This project analyzes data to extract possible failure patterns in Solar Photovoltaic (PV) Panels. When managing PV Panels, preventive maintenance procedures focus on identifying and monitoring potential equipment problems. Failure patterns such as soiling, shadowing, and equipment damage can disturb the PV system from operating efficiently. We propose a multiobjective evolutionary algorithm that uses different distance functions to explore the conflicts between different perspectives of the problem. By the end, we obtain a non-dominated set, where each solution carries out information about a possible clustering structure. After that, we pursue a-posteriori analysis to exploit the knowledge of non-dominated solutions and enhance the fault detection process of PV panels. © 2023, The Author(s), under exclusive license to Springer Nature Switzerland AG.