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Business models for the digital transformation of audiovisual archives

Rodrigues, JC;


Purpose This study contributes to the understanding of how cultural organizations are using digital technologies to redesign their business models and enable sustainable and impactful audiovisual digital archives. Design/methodology/approach An inductive multiple case research design was used. Five cases of audiovisual digital archives of independent films were selected. Data collected was based on desk research, onsite visits, interviews with top managers responsible for the digitalization of some of the archives and experimentation with the services provided. Data was collected and analyzed based on a theoretical framework defined from the literature for business models of cultural organizations. Findings The archives analyzed faced the challenge of aligning the commercial viability with a mission of making content available to increase cultural knowledge. A sustainable business model may be achieved by using different revenue models, while guaranteeing to offer a value proposition carefully aligned with stakeholders' expectations. Moreover, an impactful business model, i.e. a business model that enhances the creation of cultural value for customers and reaches wider audiences, requires careful audience management and the use of data analysis about audience behavior to adjust the offering. Finally, the business model must consider the resources, activities and infrastructure that ensure critical capabilities for the business and must be designed to ensure financial resilience of the organization. Originality/value This study contributes with a holistic analysis of business models for the digital transformation of cultural organizations, detailing alternative configurations for the most relevant components of a digital business model for audiovisual archives.


Challenges of Data-Driven Decision Models: Implications for Developers and for Public Policy Decision-Makers

Teixeira, S; Rodrigues, JC; Veloso, B; Gama, J;

Advances in Urban Design and Engineering



Analyzing the EU forestry sector to seek new market opportunities using Minimum Spanning Tree based clustering analysis

Han, J; Pacheco, AP; Rodrigues, JC;

Advances in Forest Fire Research 2022

To enhance the economic viability and address the labour shortage in the forestry industry, alternative solutions using robotization and automation are emerging. However, due to technological barriers and lack of solid business models, successful commercialization in the forestry sector is yet to be challenging. As an initial market analysis for developing a business model for new forestry machineries, this study was conducted to reveal clusters of EU countries to seek the potential market opportunities outside of Portugal. To identify similar market conditions and restrictions, EU countries were clustered using a hierarchical clustering algorithm and selection of variables while considering the geographic, economic, and social conditions of each country. Preliminary results showed that Austria and Poland had similar social capital and geographic conditions.


Dynamic monopoly and consumers profiling accuracy

Laussel, D; Long, NV; Resende, J;


Using a Markov-perfect equilibrium model, we show that the use of customer data to practice intertemporal price discrimination will improve monopoly profit if and only if information precision is higher than a certain threshold level. This U-shaped relationship lends support to a popular view that knowledge is good only if it is sufficiently refined. When information accuracy can only be achieved through costly investment, we find that investing in profiling is profitable only if this allows to reach a high enough level of information precision. Consumers expected surplus being a hump-shaped function of information accuracy, we show that consumers have an incentive to lobby for privacy protection legislation which raises the cost of monopoly's investment in information accuracy. However, this cost should not dissuade firms to collect some information on customers' tastes, as the absence of consumers' profiling is actually detrimental to consumers.


When Is Product Personalization Profit-Enhancing? A Behavior-Based Discrimination Model

Laussel, D; Resende, J;


This paper investigates duopoly competition when horizontally differentiated firms are able to make personalized product-price offers to returning customers, within a behavior-based discrimination model. In the second period, firms can profile old customers according to their preferences, selling them targeted products at personalized prices. Product-price personalization (PP) allows firms to retain all old customers, eliminating second-period customer poaching. The overall profit effects of PP are shown to be ambiguous. In the second period, PP improves the matching between customers??? preferences and firms??? offers, but firms do not make any revenues in the rival???s turf. In the Bertrand outcome, second-period profits only increase for both firms if the size of their old turfs are not too different or initial products are not too differentiated. However, the additional secondperiod profits may be offset by lower first-period profits. PP is likely to increase firms??? overall discounted profits when consumers??? (firms???) discount factor is low (high) and firms??? initial products are exogenous and sufficiently different. When the location of initial products is endogenous, profits are hurt because of an additional location (strategic) effect aggravating head-to-head competition in the first period. Likewise, when a fraction of active consumers conceals their identity, PP increases second-period profits at the cost of aggressive first-period price competition. Finally, we show that the room for profitable PP enlarges considerably if firms rely on PP as an effective device to sustain tacit collusive outcomes, with firms credibly threatening to respond to first-period price deviations with


Internationalization of Family Businesses: Does Size Really Matter?

Costa, J;

Research Anthology on Strategies for Maintaining Successful Family Firms

Worldwide, family businesses are one of the cornerstones of the entrepreneurial fabric, being as a consequence central to growth and development. In a globalized era, these institutions require the attention of businessmen, practitioners, and policymakers. The chapter seeks to examine if the internationalization performance does vary according to firm size, and its link to the innovative performance in multiple dimensions along with conventional characteristics such as age and turnover. Theoretical research evidences the interest in understanding the patterns and determinants of the internationalization performance, given its importance in firm growth and survival; however, this strategical option brings advantages and problems. Empirical evidence demonstrates that the determinants do change according to firm dimension; estimations provide valuable insights about the connection between globalized operation and innovation, for the different organisations. © 2022 by IGI Global. All rights reserved.

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