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Impacts on business models resulting from digitalization

Simoes, AC; Rodrigues, JC; Ribeiro, S;

2021 IEEE International Conference on Engineering, Technology and Innovation, ICE/ITMC 2021 - Proceedings

The development of the Internet created new technologies that are changing the way of doing business, particularly Industry 4.0 in current days. One challenge of the implementation of new technologies is the change required from companies' business models. However, the literature concerning Industry 4.0 is mainly focused on technological innovations and less in their impact on business models. This paper aims to understand the impacts of the digitalization process inherent to Industry 4.0 on business models. To achieve this purpose, an exploratory multiple-case study based on semi-structured interviews was conducted in two Portuguese medium companies from two different sectors. Findings show that besides companies being able to change to a customer-oriented approach, individualized mass production may not be the only purpose of this transformation. Networking is particularly appealing for small and medium enterprises, once they usually have fewer resources to dedicate to innovation projects. Additionally, in the era of globalization, logistic costs are still an obstacle for serving international markets. Finally, social media are seen as an internal tool of communication for business-to-business companies. Being one of the first empirical studies of the Portuguese context, it aims to diminish the lack of literature concerning this particular topic and enable future researches on the use of business models as a management tool. Secondly, it intends to help managers develop or redesign business models adjusted to a more dynamic and competitive environment. © 2021 IEEE.


Museu empreendedor : Usina de Eureka, um modelo de negócio para museus

Oliveira, MEd;

Ensaios e práticas em Museologia 10

Museums are currently taking on a new dynamic about the provision of services and their relationship with society. This new paradigm was a stimulus for the development of this study that presents a business model for museums with the Usina de Eureka® brand. The development of the model initially investigated the museological environment, in terms of its ability to generate stimuli for the creative cognitive process of its visitors. With promising results arising from case studies carried out in two museums in the Central Region of Portugal, ways were later explored to help the audience in the development of ideas that could give rise to new products, services, environmental solutions, between others. To this end, the business model was created, aiming to be a facilitating interface between the museum's audience and agents interested in the development of innovative ideas.


Behavior based price personalization under vertical product differentiation

Garella, P; Laussel, D; Resende, J;


We study price personalization in a two period duopoly with vertically differentiated products. In the second period, a firm not only knows the purchase history of all customers, as in standard Behavior Based Price Discrimination models, but it also collects detailed information on its old customers, using it to engage in price personalization. The analysis reveals that there exists a natural market for each firm, defined as the set of customers that cannot be poached by the rival in the second period. The equilibrium is unique, except when firms are ex-ante almost identical. In equilibrium, only the firm with the largest natural market poaches customers from the rival. This firm has highest profits but not necessarily the largest market share. Aggregate profits are lower than under uniform pricing. All consumers gain, total welfare is higher herein than under uniform pricing if firms' natural markets are sufficiently asymmetric. The low quality firm chooses the minimal quality level and a quality differential arises, though the exact choice for the high quality depends upon the cost specification.


Asymmetric Information and Differentiated Durable Goods Monopoly: Intra-Period Versus Intertemporal Discrimination

Laussel, D; Long, NV; Resende, J;


A durable good monopolist faces a continuum of heterogeneous customers who make purchase decisions by comparing present and expected price-quality offers. The monopolist designs a sequence of price-quality menus to segment the market. We consider the Markov perfect equilibrium (MPE) of a game where the monopolist is unable to commit to future price-quality menus. We obtain the novel results that: (a) under certain conditions, the monopolist covers the whole market in the first period (even when a static Mussa-Rosen monopolist would not cover the whole market), because this is a strategic means to convince customers that lower prices would not be offered in future periods and that (b) this can happen only under the stage-wise Stackelberg leadership assumption (whereby consumers base their expectations on the value of the state variable at the end of the period). Conditions under which MPE necessarily involves sequentially trading are also derived.


Unveiling Entrepreneurial Ecosystems' Transformation: A GEM Based Portrait

Pita, M; Costa, J; Moreira, AC;


Entrepreneurial Ecosystems (EEs) have attracted the attention of academics, practitioners, and policymakers, that attempt to unlock 'a winning recipe' considering the different EEs pillars in order to ignite entrepreneurship at large. Therefore, understanding the degree of influence of each pillar on Entrepreneurial Initiative (EI) is helpful in framing more effective policies towards entrepreneurship. This study aims to bring a new facet to entrepreneurship research, specifically on decomposing the transformation of EEs and the influence of EEs pillars on EI. The transformation of EEs is shown by a balanced panel approach based on the Global Entrepreneurship Monitor (GEM) dataset over 8 years (2010-2017), comprising 18 countries. The study has several implications for entrepreneurship theory and practice as well as public policy since discusses three main issues, mainly supported by empirical results. First, the results show an unbalanced influence of EEs pillars on EI. Second, results also show the ineffectiveness of institutions in encouraging the desire to act entrepreneurially. Third, entrepreneurship needs to be part of the acculturation process evidencing the importance of collective normative. Therefore, providing the instruments and structures is not enough to encourage individuals to start an entrepreneurial journey. Generally, the results reveal that contextual determinants are significant in fostering entrepreneurial propensity to start a business. But the impact of the nine pillars is not equalized, revealing a fragmented influence with funding measures, R&D transfer, and cultural and social norms discouraging entrepreneurial initiative. Overall, the study contributes to the understanding of a multidimensional perspective on EEs and points future policy directions to overcome the lack of entrepreneurship and amend flawed entrepreneurship policies.


Entrepreneurial Ecosystems and Entrepreneurial Initiative: Building a Multi-Country Taxonomy

Pita, M; Costa, J; Moreira, AC;


The main goal of this article is to appraise the existence of different patterns of the Entrepreneurial Ecosystems, to identify its relationship with Entrepreneurial Initiative, and recommend entrepreneurship policies that may influence the growth of entrepreneurial action. Without evidence on entrepreneurial ecosystems landscape and what determinants stimulate entrepreneurship in a given environment, policies could become flawed and miss the target. To address research purposes, the analysis was performed using data extracted from the Global Entrepreneurship Monitor (GEM) Database carried out between 2010 and 2016. To ensure a longitudinal perspective, it was used a balanced panel approach followed by Logistic Regression estimations. The article offers a novel and systematic approach, the Entrepreneurial Ecosystem Taxonomy, to overcome a disaggregated perspective on entrepreneurial ecosystems, between individual and context levels. Empirical findings capture four different country profiles, based on two measures: Entrepreneurial ecosystems and entrepreneurial initiative. The results allow to compare the four groups and appraise significant disparities around entrepreneurship determinants, namely, the education factor. While education is commonly recognized as a positive influence on entrepreneurship, the results suggest a contradictory effect. The existence of differentiated profiles and its determinants points outs the importance of developing specific entrepreneurship policy packages attending group specificities.

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