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Publicações por CITE


Strategic Talent Management: The Impact of Employer Branding on the Affective Commitment of Employees

Alves, P; Santos, V; Reis, I; Martinho, F; Martinho, D; Sampaio, MC; Sousa, MJ; Au Yong Oliveira, M;


In a globalization context, underlined by the speed of technological transformation and increasingly competitive markets, the perspective of human capital, as an asset of strategic importance, stands out in differentiating human resource practices. Under this reality, the employer branding (EB) concept gains more and more importance as a strategic tool to attract, retain, and involve human capital, given that this has become a source of competitive advantage to companies. Within this context, this study aimed to evaluate the relationship between employer branding strategies implemented by organizations, as well as their impact on the employee's affective commitment, evident in certain organizational cultures, which are sustained over time. The methodological framework applied to this study is quantitative, and the data collection was carried out with the application of an employer branding and an affective commitment questionnaire. To achieve a good representation of the active population, the sample of the quantitative study was composed of 172 individuals, working in the public and private sectors in Portugal, exercising different positions in the different sectors of activity. Results obtained with these techniques indicate a high level of affective organizational commitment (AOC) of employees in the organizations surveyed, suggesting that affective commitment develops when the individual becomes involved and identifies with the organization.


Substance Use Disorders and Reintegration – A Novel Perspective on Empathy for Those in Need

Szczygiel, N; Au-Yong-Oliveira, M;

Journal of Corporate Responsibility and Leadership



Using Reflexive, Introspective and Storytelling Tools: Towards Becoming More Autoethnographic in Academia

Au Yong Oliveira, M;


The aim of this article is to show how autoethnography is a useful and revealing research methodology that should be encouraged in academia, especially in higher education. With objectivity, autoethnography, which is a relatively new approach, may be a path toward deeper cultural discussions that are so important in everyday life. Moreover, autoethnography leads to important reflexive and critical observations made by students. Autoethnography is a readily accessible, low-cost methodology and thus very appealing to students and younger researchers. With this article, the author exemplifies autoethnographic accounts and narrates three different stories that occurred while trekking with three different trekking guides in Patagonia (El Chalten), Argentina. Argentinian culture, in South America, is the focus. Researchers need to be careful of misleading statements in the literature, such as that in Argentina modesty is apparently not tolerated. We found that two of our guides and leaders - Mariano and Liz - both had modest (and pleasant) demeanors. Hence, we conclude that it is important to maintain an open mind and resist categorizing people. This is a vital point of cultural studies that is often not taken seriously. Cultures are made up of individuals and thus many differences can be found in the midst of an attempted standardization, and the desire to put everyone in the same "basket".


Bank and online payment apps How beneficial to society in the XXI century?

Duarte, S; Costa, M; Brito, M; Miranda, A; Au Yong Oliveira, M;


In this age of technology, information, innovation, and so many other features that could be associated with it, it becomes necessary to review the benefits and risks associated with this change. The question that guides this article is: Does the easiness granted to us, through the many online mechanisms, affect our ability to perceive at the moment of making a purchase decision? Rather, from a financial perspective, is the quick and easy way that the internet allows the consumer to make a payment influencing the consumers' buying act? Through the analysis of various mobile applications available for the aforementioned purpose, as well as a survey, that featured 137 answers from various age groups and occupations, we will present a brief conclusion about this theme, aiming to contribute to a better and broader understanding of the benefits, risks, advantages and disadvantages of these so well-known banking applications that increasingly stand out in the daily lives of the Portuguese. The results of this exploratory study reveal the importance of a greater and better instruction when using these innovative tools, so the user can stop being merely a hostage to their risks and begin to fully enjoy the benefits.


The Social Impact of the Use of Cyber-Physical Systems in Manufacturing: An Initial Approach

Pimenta, D; Rodrigues, JC; Oliveira, JF;


The beginning of the 21st century brought a new Industrial Revolution - the 4th Industrial Revolution which assumes that each physical object is equipped with an integrated technology that allows its connection with other objects. Therefore, Cyber-Physical Systems (CPSs) are becoming essential elements to be implemented in the companies' workspace in order to improve their production efficiency and flexibility by bringing digitalisation to the production processes. The implementation of these CPSs creates several changes for companies' operations that are expected to have a deep impact in human workers. A lack of studies on the social impact of the use of CPSs has been identified and, through a comprehensive literature review, this work aims at contributing for this discussion by defining a questionnaire about the topic. In the future, this questionnaire is intended to be sent to companies to collect data from their C-level managers about the use of CPSs applied to manufacturing.


Understanding FinTech Ecosystem Evolution Through Service Innovation and Socio-technical System Perspective

Castro, P; Rodrigues, JP; Teixeira, JG;


Although interest in FinTech businesses has been growing, research about these companies is still scarce. To address this gap, this paper aims to understand the evolution of the FinTechs ecosystem, through a socio-technical system theory and service innovation lense. A case study research methodology was used, in which 6 Brazilian and 5 Portuguese FinTechs were analyzed. Primary data was collected using semi-structured interviews with managers and employees of the startups, while secondary data was obtained through the analysis of reports from consulting firms and public relations materials of the startups. Results show the evolution of FinTech ecosystems from the perspective of socio-technical system theory and service innovation. From the socio-technical system perspective it was possible to understand the roles of social, technological and organizational actors in the evolution of these ecosystems. From the service innovation perspective, it was possible to understand the dynamics of the evolution of the FinTech ecosystems and its results.

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