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Publicações por CITE


Marketplace or reselling? A signalling model

Belhadj, N; Laussel, D; Resende, J;


This paper shows that the platforms' private information on demand may explain the empirical observation that platforms like Amazon resell high-demand products, while acting as marketplace for low-demand goods. More precisely, the paper examines the strategic interaction between a seller and a better informed platform within a signalling game. We consider that the platform may choose between two distinct business models: act as a reseller or work as a pure marketplace between the buyers and the seller. The marketplace mode, which allows to internalize the spillover between the platform's sales and the seller's direct sales is always preferred for a low-value good. The reselling mode, which allows the platform to take advantage of its private information, may be selected in the case of high-value goods provided that (i) the externalities between direct sales and platform sales are not too strong and (ii) the difference between consumers' willingness to pay for the high and the low-value goods is large enough. Under these conditions, the game displays a Least-Cost Separating Equilibrium in which the platform works as a marketplace for low-demand goods, while it acts as a reseller in the case of high-demand goods.


Is entrepreneurship education key to all entrepreneurial initiatives? Addressing the role of universities in a global perspective

Costa, J;

Reshaping Entrepreneurship Education with Strategy and Innovation

Entrepreneurship is a worldwide reality. Since the beginning of times and all around the world people have created businesses. Entrepreneurial orientation, from a macroeconomic perspective, allows income and employment generation, thus boosting growth. At the microeconomic level, it is a competition booster playing a central role in a globalized market. In this entrepreneurial ecosystem in which knowledge-based activity is the core booster of employment, economic growth, and competitiveness, universities and, in particular, entrepreneurial universities play either the role of knowledge production and dissemination. The present work aims to understand the role of education (formal and entrepreneurship) on entrepreneurial activity combined with heterogeneous individual characteristics and different cultures and geographies. Specifically, the study identifies substitution and complementary effects among both types of education according to individual taxonomies. © 2021 by IGI Global. All rights reserved.


Internationalization of family businesses: Does size really matter?

Costa, J;

Cases on Internationalization Challenges for SMEs

Worldwide, family businesses are one of the cornerstones of the entrepreneurial fabric, being as a consequence central to growth and development. In a globalized era, these institutions require the attention of businessmen, practitioners, and policymakers. The chapter seeks to examine if the internationalization performance does vary according to firm size, and its link to the innovative performance in multiple dimensions along with conventional characteristics such as age and turnover. Theoretical research evidences the interest in understanding the patterns and determinants of the internationalisation performance, given its importance in firm growth and survival; however, this strategical option brings advantages and problems. Empirical evidence demonstrates that the determinants do change according to firm dimension; estimations provide valuable insights about the connection between globalized operation and innovation, for the different organisations. © 2021 by IGI Global. All rights reserved.


The Context Facets of Sustainability Entrepreneurial Orientation (SEO) through the lense of gender: A quantitative measurement approach

Costa, J; Pita, M;

Building an Entrepreneurial and Sustainable Society

Addressing sustainable development and societal challenges have been placed at the heart of all government priorities, detachedly of country stage of development, as a mean to achieve prosperity through social cohesion and equality. In this setting, entrepreneurship appears to be a powerful tool to encompass economic, social, and environmental goals, particularly when sustainability oriented. Sustainability oriented entrepreneurs (henceforth SEO) are still focused in profit maximization strategies combined with environmental respect and social inclusion and rely on a firm-based entrepreneurship initiative integrating the triple bottom line. The chapter aims to understand the role of culture (culture and social norms) on SEO activity among several countries, along with gender heterogeneity. Specifically, the study determines the moderating effect of (national) culture on SEO. The study uses a logistic regression and the Global Entrepreneurship Monitor (GEM) database from 2015, with information of 60 countries. © 2020, IGI Global.


Open Innovation 4.0 as an Enhancer of Sustainable Innovation Ecosystems

Costa, J; Matias, JCO;


Innovation matters. Business success increasingly depends upon sustainable innovation. Observing recent innovation best practices, the emergence of a new paradigm is traceable. Creating an innovative ecosystem has a multilayer effect: It contributes to regional digitalization, technological start-up emergence, open innovation promotion, and new policy enhancement retro-feeding the system. Public policy must create open innovation environments accordingly with the quintuple helix harmonizing the ecosystem to internalize emerging spillovers. The public sector should enhance the process, providing accurate legal framework, procurement of innovation, and shared risks in R&D. Opening the locks that confine the trunks of community, academic, industry, and government innovation will harness each dimension exploiting collective and collaborative potential of individuals towards a brighter sustainable future. In this sense, the aim of this study is to present how open innovation can enhance sustainable innovation ecosystems and boost the digital transition. For that, firstly, a diachronic perspective of the sustainable innovation ecosystem is traced, its connection to open innovation, and identification of the university linkages. Secondly, database exploration and econometric estimations are performed. Then, we will ascertain how far open innovation frameworks and in particular the knowledge flows unveiled by the university promote smart and responsible innovation cycles. Lastly, we will propose a policy package towards green governance, empowering the university in governance distributed ecosystem, embedded in the community, self-sustained with shared gains, and a meaningful sense of identity.


Persistence in innovation and innovative behavior in unstable environments

Costa, J; Teixeira, AAC; Botelho, A;

International Journal of Systematic Innovation

Analyzing the persistence of the innovative activities can improve the understanding of firm dynamics, forecast the effectiveness of different policy actions, reinforce innovation cycles and promote sustainable and responsible innovation ecosystems. Innovation persistence was empirically analyzed for innovation leaders or even followers; still the literature fails to provide evidence for moderate innovators. The present article appraises the innovative strategy of firms operating in this context and their attitudes towards persistence, controlling for firm characteristics such as size, sector, R&D exenditures and human capital intensity. To do so, a balanced panel was built, encompassing three waves of the Portuguese Community Innovation Survey (CIS), (2004 to 2010) including 1099 firms from different areas. The estimation of the random effects probit model, evidenced that persistence hypothesis fails to be corroborated, evidencing no time dependent innovation strategies. Such result suggests that innovation policy programs do not have long-lasting effect on innovative behavior of firms and it is unlikely that incumbent past innovators be the drivers of creative accumulation and future innovation. There is, however, some evidence that new, smaller, innovators might lead the creative wave. In this vein, there might be a rational to encourage public policies targeting start-up firms and new market entrants when innovation is the main primary funding goal. © 2020 Society of Sytematic Innovation.

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