Moreira, CL; Silva, B; Soares, FJ; Seca, L; Pecas Lopes, JA;
CIGRE 2011 Bologna Symposium - The Electric Power System of the Future: Integrating Supergrids and Microgrids
The massive interconnection of offshore Wind Farms (WF) brings challenges for the operation of electric grids. The predicted amount of offshore wind power will lead to a smaller ratio of conventional units operating in the system. Thus, the power system will have less capability to provide fast dynamic regulation. Despite of offshore WF being able to inject power on the AC grid through High Voltage Direct Current (HVDC) convertors, they cannot participate on frequency support by the intrinsic decoupling that DC adoption brings. This paper proposes a control methodology, based on local controllers, to enable the participation of offshore WF in primary frequency control. Additionally, enhancements were made on the Wind Energy Converters (WEC) controller to make them capable of emulating inertial behaviour. Tests were performed in a multi-terminal DC network with two off shore wind farms to assess the feasibility and effectiveness of the concept in a communication-free framework.
Soares, FJ; Gouveia, C; Pereira Barbeiro, PN; Rocha Almeida, PM; Moreira, C; Pecas Lopes, JA;
SMARTGREENS 2012 - Proceedings of the 1st International Conference on Smart Grids and Green IT Systems
This paper provides a general overview of the initial developments in the REIVE project (Smart Grids with Electric Vehicles). The main focus of the project is on smart grid infrastructures for large scale integration of EV and micro-generation units. It is a natural evolution of the InovGrid project promoted by the EDP Distribuição - the Portuguese Distribution Network Operator - and allows the development of seminal concepts and enabling technological developments within the Smart Grid paradigm. This paper presents the management and control architecture developed to allow electric vehicle integration in smart grid operation. Additionally, it presents the major impacts in distribution grids of the simultaneous deployment of electric vehicles, micro-generation and smart grid technologies.
Soares, FJ; Pereira Barbeiro, PN; Gouveia, C; Rocha Almeida, PM; Moreira, C; Pecas Lopes, JA;
SMARTGREENS 2012 - Proceedings of the 1st International Conference on Smart Grids and Green IT Systems
This paper describes the main results of the MERGE project relative to Electric Vehicle (EV) charging strategies and the impacts of EV integration on the steady-state grid operation. MERGE is a €4.5m, collaborative research project supported by the European Commission's Seventh Framework Programme (FP7). The consortium includes utilities, regulators, commercial organisations and universities with interests in the power generation, automotive, electronic commerce and hybrid and electric vehicle sectors across the entire European Union (EU). One of the MERGE project missions is to evaluate the impacts that EV will have on EU electric power systems, exploring EV and SmartGrid/MicroGrid simultaneous deployment, together with renewable energy increase, to achieve CO 2 emission reduction through the identification of enabling technologies and advanced control approaches. The work presented proposes three charging strategies, dumb charging, multiple price tariffs and smart charging, and uses EV integration scenarios of adherence to these charging schemes. The resulting scenarios are tested using an algorithm coded with Python and using PSS/E, created within the MERGE framework to study EU grids steady-state behaviour. Additionally, the critical mass of EV adherence to smart charging schemes that brings positive impacts to the distribution grids operation was also evaluated.
Pecas Lopes, JA; Moreira, CL; Madureira, AG; Resende, FO; Wu, X; Jayawarna, N; Zhang, Y; Jenkins, N; Kanellos, F; Hatziargyriou, N;
2005 International Conference on Future Power Systems (FPS)
Under normal operating conditions, a MicroGrid (MG) is interconnected with the Medium Voltage (MV) network. However, planned or unplanned events like maintenance or faults in the MV network, respectively, may lead to MG islanding. In order to deal with islanded operation and even black start following a general blackout, an emergency operation mode must be envisaged. Two possible control strategies were investigated and are described in this paper in order to operate a MG under emergency mode. A sequence of actions for a well succeeded black start procedure, involving microgeneration units, has also been identified contributing for an increase in distribution network reliability.
Fernandes, F; Lopes, JP; Moreira, C;
This paper evidences the ability of a VSM-based grid-forming to mitigate stability problems of different classes, raising a special concern towards the importance of its location in systems with large converter-interfaced renewable energy systems. Within this context, a multi-class stability assessment, that pillars on the simulation of different nature disturbances and in the subsequent evaluation of a 4 index set, was performed. Such analysis was carried out on a modified version of the IEEE39 Test System, using DigSILENT Power Factory as the simulation engine.
Vasconcelos, MH; Castro, MV; Nicolet, C; Moreira, CL;
This paper presents a comprehensive assessment of the large-scale deployment of hydropower on the provision of frequency regulation services, when equipped with the extended flexibility solutions being developed and/or tested within the scope of the XFLEX HYDRO project. The current analysis is performed on the Iberian Peninsula (IP) power grid considering its interconnection to the Continental Europe (CE) system, since this power system zone is expected to have the most severe frequency transient behaviour in future scenarios with increased shares of variable renewable energies. For this purpose, prospective scenarios with increased shares of time variable renewable generation were identified and analysed. To assess the impacts of the hydropower flexibility solutions on frequency dynamics after a major active power loss, extensive time domain simulations were performed of the power system, including reliable reduced order dynamic models for the hydropower flexibility solutions under evaluation. This research assesses the effects of synchronous and synthetic inertia, and of the Frequency Containment Reserve (FCR) and Fast Frequency Response (FFR) services as specified in European grid codes. The main findings highlight the potential of hydropower inertia and of adopting a variable speed technology for enhancing frequency stability, while contribute to better understand the role of hydropower plants in future power systems.
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