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Publicações por Carlos Moreira


Advanced Control Solutions for Operating Isolated Power Systems: Examining the Portuguese islands

Vasconcelos, H; Moreira, C; Madureira, A; Lopes, JP; Miranda, V;

IEEE Electrification Magazine

The operation of remote and isolated or islanded power systems is often very challenging because of their small system inertia. Moreover, economic and environmental pressure has led to an increasing renewable power penetration, particularly in wind generation and solar photovoltaics (PV). Simultaneously, significant technological progress has been made in terms of control capability of grid assets [generators, controllable loads such as electric vehicles (EVs), and energy storage systems], mostly exploiting the capabilities of power ?electronics. In this context, several advanced control solutions can be implemented, supporting and improving the robustness of the operation in terms of fast frequency and voltage control responses. In this article, the Portuguese islands are taken as a case study. Within the Madeira archipelago (Porto Santo and Madeira islands), two approaches were envisioned. For Porto Santo Island, the main goal is the sizing of a flywheel energy storage system (FESS) to avoid frequency stability problems. For Madeira Island, the objective relies on the exploitation of hydro resources through the quantification of the technical benefits resulting from variable speed hydro pumping stations that are able to provide primary frequency regulation services in the pump operation mode. In addition, this article also addresses the benefits of introducing EVs in Flores Island in the Azores Archipelago. Finally, to support the development of innovative technological solutions for this type of power system, a laboratory setup based on scaled test systems was also set up and is described. A set of applications was specifically developed for such autonomous power systems. The laboratorial infrastructure allowed the testing of ?solutions and prototypes for hardware and software modules related to those applications. © 2013 IEEE.


Development and implementation of Portuguese smart distribution system

Gouveia, C; Rua, D; Soares, FJ; Moreira, C; Matos, PG; Pecas Lopes, JAP;


The consolidation of smart grids is inevitably related with the development and actual implementation of different functionalities envisioned for future electric grids. This paper presents the major implementations of smart grid projects in Portugal, which resulted from a close collaboration between academia and industry. An overview of the entire development process is presented culminating with the real implementation of the developed concepts. The architectures and functional models are presented as the initial step in defining the management and control functionalities for future smart distribution networks. The intermediate step consists in validating the advances introduced by smart grids. Simulation tools are emphasized considering both electrical and communications aspects. Finally, a laboratory infrastructure implemented to be used as a real test bed and a pilot deployed in a large city are presented in the end. The associated learning has provided relevant information for future developments.


Experimental validation of smart distribution grids: Development of a microgrid and electric mobility laboratory

Gouveia, C; Rua, D; Ribeiro, F; Miranda, L; Rodrigues, JM; Moreira, CL; Pecas Lopes, JAP;


The development of the Smart Grid concept is the pathway for assuring high reliability, control and management requirements in future electric power distribution systems. The Smart Grid can be defined as an electricity network supported by an intelligent infrastructure, both hardware and software, capable of accommodating high shares of Distributed Energy Resources. Within this line, a Smart Grid laboratorial infrastructure was developed, being dedicated to advanced research and demonstration activities. The adopted laboratorial architecture was developed according to the Microgrid concept, where Electric Vehicles are regarded as active and flexible players. Following the laboratory implementation, this paper provides a detailed description of its infrastructure and experimental capabilities, presenting and discussing different experimental set-ups and associated results.


IMICV fault analysis method with multiple PV grid-connected inverters for distribution systems

Moura, AP; Lopes, JAP; de Moura, AAF; Sumaili, J; Moreira, CL;


A novel faults analysis method with multiple PV grid-connected inverters for distribution systems is proposed. The aforesaid proposed method Inverter Matrix Impedance Current Vector (IMICV) employs symmetrical components combined with a matrix denominated of Inverter Matrix Impedance and with a vector denominated Impedance-Current Vector which are formed by inspection. This matrix and this vector are used to solve a linear system of equations where the following post-fault variables are: current in substation, the voltage at the fault point and voltages in the PV grid-connected nodes. A comparison of results obtained using the new method with the results of the professional software ANAFAS validates the method proposed. Computer simulations show that the proposed method for classical shunt faults analysis is efficient, accurate and easy to program.


Integration; of energy storage in LV grid normal and emergency operation

Marques, M; Bessa, R; Moreira, C; Mousinho, P; Gouveia, C; Gerlich, M; Leiria, A; Madureira, A; Rodriguez, S;

IET Conference Publications

This paper presents the approach followed under project SENSIBLE to prove, in field-test scenarios, the benefits of integrating and coordinating small-scale storage devices to: (i) reduce the impact of Distributed Renewable Energy Sources in the Low Voltage grid and (ii) support the transition and the operation in islanding mode in the demonstration grid. The functional and ICT architecture developed for the Portuguese Demonstrator of Évora is presented, focusing in the use cases defined to test and validate the tools developed to enable the active management of the LV grid during both normal and islanded modes.


Optimization of the Variable Speed Pump Storage Participation in Frequency Restoration Reserve Market

Filipe, JM; Moreira, CL; Bessa, RJ; Silva, BA;


Several countries have a significant installed capacity of large-scale reversible hydro power plants. This large-scale storage technology comes with high investments costs, hence the constant search for methods to increase and diversify the sources of revenue. Traditional fixed speed pump storage units typically operate in the day-ahead market to perform price arbitrage and, in specific cases, provide downward replacement reserve (RR). Variable speed pump storage can not only participate in RR but also contribute to frequency restoration reserve (FRR), given their ability to control its operating point in pumping mode. This work proposes a strategy to manage the water resource and maximize the power plant revenue by participating in the day ahead market but also providing ancillary services. Moreover, a model to correctly allocate the water resource throughout the year is presented, as well as an evaluation module to calculate the real revenue of the system.

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