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Publicações por Miguel Ângelo Almeida


Embedding Multi-Wall Carbon Nanotubes as Conductive Nanofiller onto Bi2Te3 Thermoelectric Matrix

Almeida, MAS; Magalhães, JM; Maia, MM; Pires, AL; Pereira, AM;

U.Porto Journal of Engineering

Thermoelectric Generators (TEGs) are devices that have the ability to directly convert heat into electrical power, or vice-versa, and are being envisaged as one off-the-grid power source. Furthermore, carbon-based materials have been used as a conducting filler to improve several properties in thermoelectric materials. The present work studied the influence on the thermoelectric performance of Bi2Te3 bulk materials by incorporating different concentrations of Multi-Walled Carbon Nanotubes (MWCNT). In order to control and understand the influence of MWCNT dispersion in the nanocomposite, two different production methods (manual grinding and ultrasonication) were carried out and compared. It was verified that a larger dispersion leads to a better outcome for thermoelectric performance. The achieved Seebeck coefficient was up to-162 µV K-1 with a Power Factor of 0.50 µW K-2 m-1, for the nanocomposite produced with 11.8 %V of MWCNT. This result demonstrates the ability to increase the thermoelectric performance of Bi2Te3 throughout the addition of MWCNT. © 2022, Universidade do Porto - Faculdade de Engenharia. All rights reserved.


Impact of gaseous interferents on palladium expansion for hydrogen optical sensing: A time stability study

Almeida, MAS; Almeida, JMMMD; Coelho, LCC;


Continuous monitoring of hydrogen (H2) concentration is critical for safer use, which can be done using optical sensors. Palladium (Pd) is the most commonly used transducer material for this monitoring. This material absorbs H2 leading to an isotropic expansion. This process is reversible but is affected by the interaction with interferents, and the lifetime of Pd thin films is a recurring issue. Fiber Bragg Grating (FBG) sensors are used to follow the strain induced by H2 on Pd thin films. In this work, it is studied the stability of Pd-coated FBGs, protected with a thin Polytetrafluoroethylene (PTFE) layer, 10 years after their deposition to assess their viability to be used as H2 sensors for long periods of time. It was found that Pd coatings that were PTFE-protected after deposition had a longer lifetime than unprotected films, with the same sensitivities that they had immediately after their deposition, namely 23 and 10 pm/vol% for the sensors with 150 and 100 nm of Pd, respectively, and a saturation point around 2 kPa. Furthermore, the Pd expansion was analyzed in the presence of H2, nitrogen (N2), carbon dioxide (CO2), methane (CH4) and water vapor (H2O), finding that H2O is the main interferent. Finally, an exhaustive test for 90 h is also done to analyze the long-term stability of Pd films in dry and humid environments, with only the protected sensor maintaining the long-term response. As a result, this study emphasizes the importance of using protective polymeric layers in Pd films to achieve the five-year lifetime required for a real H2 monitoring application.


SPR-based optical fiber sensor for hydrogen detection using Pd thin films

Almeida, MAS; Carvalho, JPM; Almeida, JMMM; Coelho, LCC;


Energy consumption has increased exponentially due to population growth leading to an increasing impact on natural resources. Green hydrogen (H-2) offers a safer alternative to fossil fuels, making it a promising alternative for sustainable energy consumption. However, due to H-2's flammability it is crucial to monitor its concentrations in the environment. Optical sensors have been developed to monitor H-2 concentrations in harsh environments with high sensitivity and remote measurement. In this work, a numerical study and experimental validation of an optical fiber sensor based on Surface Plasmon Resonance (SPR) for H-2 detection are presented. This sensor is composed of a multi-mode fiber with a SPR structure of a metal/dielectric/Pd, where the Pd acts as a sensitive layer. The plasmonic active materials studied are Ag and Au, while TiO2 and SiO2 are used as dielectrics, finding that the metal materials have more impact on the SPR band definition, while the dielectric layers have an impact on the band spectral position. The optimized configuration with 25nm/60nm/3nm of Au/TiO2/Pd was experimentally developed, obtaining a wavelength shift of 19nm for 2kPa of H-2, validating the numerical results, and confirming the possibility of using this type of system for H-2 detection.


A Comparative Study of Surface Plasmon and Tamm Plasmon Polaritons for Hydrogen Sensing

Almeida, AS; Carvalho, PM; Pastoriza Santos, I; Almeida, MMM; Coelho, CC;

EPJ Web of Conferences

Due to the exponential increase in energy consumption and CO2 emissions, new sustainable energy sources have emerged, and hydrogen (H2) is one of them. Despite all the advantages, H2 has high flammability, so constant monitoring is essential. Two optical techniques were numerically studied and compared with the goal of H2 sensing: surface plasmon polaritons (SPP) and Tamm plasmon polaritons (TPP). The H2-sensitive material used was palladium (Pd) in both techniques. The SPP structure was found to have more sensitivity to H2 than TPP, 23 and 5nm/4vol% H2, respectively. However, the latter has lower FWHM, with the minimum of the band showing reflectivity near 0%. In addition, TPP also uses more cost-effective materials and can be interrogated at normal incidence with depolarized light. The potential of using each of these optical techniques for H2 sensing was demonstrated. © The Authors.


Comparative Analysis of Ethanol Gas Sensors Based on Bloch Surface Wave and Surface Plasmon Resonance

Carvalho, PM; Almeida, AS; Mendes, P; Coelho, CC; De Almeida, MMM;

EPJ Web of Conferences

Ethanol plays a crucial role in modern industrial processes and consumer products. Despite its presence in human activity, short and long-term exposure to gaseous ethanol poses risks to health conditions and material damage, making the control of its concentration in the atmosphere of high importance. Ethanol optical sensors based on electromagnetic surface waves (ESWs) are presented, with sensitivity to ethanol vapours being achieved by the inclusion of ethanol-adsorptive zinc oxide (ZnO) layers. The changes in optical properties modulate the resonant conditions of ESWs, enabling the tracking of ethanol concentration in the atmosphere. A comprehensive comparative study of sensor performance is carried out between surface plasmon resonance (SPR) and Bloch surface wave (BSW) based sensors. Sensor efficiency is simulated by transfer matrix method towards optimized figures of merit (FoM). Preliminary results validate ethanol sensitivity of BSW based sensor, showcasing a possible alternative to electromagnetic and plasmonic sensors. © The Authors.


Touch Empowerment: Self-Sustaining e-Tattoo Thermoelectric System for Temperature Mapping

Almeida, MAS; Pires, AL; Ramirez, JL; Malik, SB; de la Flor, S; Llobet, E; Pereira, AT; Pereira, AM;


In recent advancements within sensing technology, driven by the Internet of Things (IoT), significant impacts are observed on health sector applications, notably through wearable electronics like electronic tattoos (e-tattoos). These e-tattoos, designed for direct contact with the skin, facilitate precise monitoring of vital physiological parameters, including body heat, a critical indicator for conditions such as inflammation and infection. Monitoring these indicators can be crucial for early detection of chronic conditions, steering toward proactive healthcare management. This study delves into a thermoelectric sensor e-tattoo designed for detailed skin temperature mapping. Utilizing a novel design, this sensor detects temperature variations across thermoelectric stripes, leveraging screen-printed films of p-type Bi0.35Sb1.65Te3, n-type Bi2Te2.8Se0.2, and poly(vinyl alcohol) (PVA) for enhanced thermoelectric and flexible properties. The application of a prototype printed thermoelectric device on temporary tattoo paper, a pioneering development in wearable health technology is demonstrated. This device, validated through numerical simulations, exhibits significant potential as a non-invasive tool for temperature monitoring, highlighting its value in health diagnostics and management.