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Publicações por Ademar Aguiar


Wikis4SE'2008: wikis for software engineering

Aguiar, A; Merson, P; Dekel, U;

Proceedings of the 2008 International Symposium on Wikis, 2008, Porto, Portugal, September 8-10, 2008

The use of wikis in software engineering dates back to 1995, when Ward Cunningham created the first ever wiki as a platform for discussing patterns and software development efforts. The simplicity and effectiveness of wikis as a medium for collaborative authoring has lead to their vast popularity across many domains. The Wikis for Software Engineering (Wikis4SE) workshop aims at bringing together researchers, practitioners, and enthusiasts interested in exploring the potential of wikis as an effective tool to support software engineering activities. It serves as a forum for presenting new ideas and tools, and reporting on experiences, best practices, and newly discovered problems. Based on lessons learned and obstacles identified, a research agenda will be defined with key opportunities and challenges. © 2008 ACM.



Aguiar, A;

Proceedings of the 4th European Conference on Pattern Languages of Programms (EuroPLoP '1999), Irsee, Germany, July 7-11, 1999



Use-Case Controller

Aguiar, A; Sousa, A; Pinto, A;

Proceedings of the 6th European Conference on Pattern Languages of Programms (EuroPLoP '2001), Irsee, Germany, July 4-8, 2001.




Simoes, J; Aguiar, A;


Children and teens today grow up immersed in a myriad of digital devices, thinking and processing information in a radically different way from their predecessors. These kids usually prefer hypermedia information, learning by self-discovery, or by playing, in teams, are good at multitasking, better in digital literacy than in textual literacy, tend to be always connected, enjoy social interaction, diversity and sharing. As a result of all of this, young "digital natives" need new ways of learning that are more interactive, participative and individualized, capable of supporting the co-creation, collaboration, and sharing of a variety of contents, combining traditional and new digital media. To be successful, the teaching strategies, the learning contexts, and the learning spaces must accommodate these children's needs and habits, harmoniously combining technology and pedagogy, as earliest as possible. With the advent of Web 2.0, the way people collaborate in the creation and sharing of their own contents improved considerably, enabling everyone to be active producers and consumers at the same time, and helping them to self-organize in networks and virtual communities. It is now easy to create collaborative spaces for teachers and students to adopt a partnering pedagogy, more social and informal, but also more personal. Personal Learning Environments (PLE) combine tools that help learners to set their own learning goals, manage their learning contents and process, to communicate with others, allowing a bidirectional flow of information between teachers and students, at a degree not possible before by traditional Learning Management Systems (LMS). In this work, we present (a.k.a in Portugal as escolinhas. pt), a new collaborative and social learning environment, developed and validated in several Portuguese schools, following an action- research method. is being developed to be a very simple personal learning environment targeted to schools and students from 6 up to 12 years old ( K-6). It follows a wiki- way philosophy for the cocreation of contents. It combines the best features of Web 2.0 relevant for schools, simplified and integrated in a single platform: easy-to-use content editors, wikis, blogs, private social networks, image galleries, calendars, private messages, chat, shared files, micro-blogging, integration with traditional LMS (ex: Moodle), integration with contents from publishers or other types of providers. It was designed with three principles in mind: educational, by providing collaborative web spaces to use in classroom, at home, everywhere, for educational purposes; entertainment, by providing appealing spaces and features to use also in leisure time, to learn by playing, chatting; social, by providing an engaging space to promote the communication and socialization within the respective private social networks. As in real life, students, parents and teachers have different features and responsibilities in the school, but they all may communicate and collaborate between them, with privacy rules similar to the real school and its respective community. Simply and naturally, the platform promotes a gradual adoption of the best practices on using Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) for educational purposes: in classroom or extracurricular contexts, inside or outside schools.


Disciplined composition of aspects using tests

Restivo, A; Aguiar, A;

Proceedings of the 2008 AOSD workshop on Linking aspect technology and evolution, LATE@AOSD 2008, Brussels, Belgium, April 1, 2008

A large part of the software development effort is typically spent on maintenance and evolution, namely on adding new and unanticipated features. As aspect-oriented programming (AOP) can be easily used to compose software in non-planned ways, many researchers are investigating AOP as a technique that can play an important role in this particular field. However, unexpected interactions between aspects are still a major problem that compromise AOP's applicability, especially in large projects where many developers, often including new team members, are involved in the process. This paper addresses the issues of aspect conflicts and interactions and proposes a technique to help compose aspects in a disciplined way using a test-driven development approach. A simple example for a banking system helps on illustrating the technique. © 2008 ACM.


Towards detecting and solving aspect conflicts and interferences using unit tests

Restivo, A; Aguiar, A;

Proceedings of the 5th Workshop on Software Engineering Properties of Languages and Aspect Technologies, SPLAT 2007, Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada, March 12-16, 2007

Aspect Oriented Programming (AOP) is a programming paradigm that aims at solving the problem of crosscutting concerns being normally scattered throughout several units of an application. Although an important step forward in the search for modularity, by breaking the notion of encapsulation introduced by Object Oriented Programming (OOP), AOP has proven to be prone to numerous problems caused by conflicts and interferences between aspects. This paper presents work that explores the proven unit testing techniques as a mean to help developers describe the behavior of their aspects and to advise them about possible conflicts and interferences. Copyright © 2007 ACM.

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