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Publicações por Paulo Queiroz


Middleware for the Internet of Things: a systematic literature review

Medeiros R.; Fernandes S.; Queiroz P.G.G.;

Forum for Nordic Dermato-Venerology

The Internet of Things (IoT) emerged to describe a network of connected things on a large scale to offer services to a large number of applications in different environments and domains. Middleware is software that seeks to facilitate the management and communication of all these things, providing the necessary functionalities to manage things, to discover, to compose services, and perform communication. For this reason, several proposals for middleware solutions for IoT have been developed. In this article, we conducted a systematic review of the literature to bring together middleware solutions for IoT, identifying the requirements and communication protocols used. In addition, we present some gaps and directions for future research in the development of IoT middleware.


Conceptual Modeling for Corporate Social Responsibility: A Systematic Literature Review

de Sousa Santos O.; de Alencar Silva P.; Bukhsh F.; Queiroz P.;

Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics)

Enterprises have been challenged to adopt practices of sustainability to benefit shareholders and society with goods standing much beyond monetary profit or required by law. In combination with environmental and economic concerns, Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) has become an option to leverage businesses with good reputation and to attract sustainability-aware market segments. In line with such a demand, this paper presents a systematic literature review of conceptual modeling studies referring explicitly to certifications, laws or norms of CSR. The more specific research goal of this work is to discover ontologies for representing CSR best practices, design patterns or policies. In total, 921 peer-reviewed papers were analyzed, from which only 17 were considered relevant for data extraction. The main result of this work is the identification of a research gap in explicit knowledge representation of CSR practices for Information Systems design, which ought to be filled to complement the (dominant) economic perspective on sustainability.


A study of the publications of educational robotics: A systematic review of literature

Bezerra J.; De Lima R.; Queiroz P.;

IEEE Latin America Transactions

Educational Robotics has been presented as a great pedagogical tool because it demonstrates an attractive way of working the theoretical knowledge put into practice. Thus, several educational technologies have emerged with different approaches, with the purpose of applying robotics in the educational area in a more attractive and playful way. This article presents the conduction of a Systematic Review of Literature (SRL), whose objective is to identify the teaching approaches used with educational robotics. With this, we present experiences reports, and at the same time show the skills and competencies that are explored through robotics and education. This review uses scientific papers published in the period from 2011 to 2016.


Development of critical embedded systems using model-driven and product lines techniques: A systematic review

Queiroz P.G.G.; Braga R.T.V.;

Proceedings - 2014 8th Brazilian Symposium on Software Components, Architectures and Reuse, SBCARS 2014

Several methodologies have been proposed in the last decades to improve the quality of Safety-Critical Embedded Systems (SCES) and, at the same time, keep costs and schedule compatible with project plans. In particular, approaches such as Product Line Engineering (PLE) and Model-Driven Engineering (MDE) offer an interesting solution to reduce development complexity and time to market due to their synergy and common goals. However, the current state of how MDE and PLE can be combined to enhance productivity in the domain of SCES is not clear yet. This paper presents a systematic literature review, with the purpose of obtaining the state of the art of the aproaches, methods and methodologies whose goal is the combination of PLE and MDE for the development of SCES, and to verify the existence of empirical studies that demonstrate the application of these techniques in this type of development. We drew the following conclusions from the review results: (1) The number of studies using PLE with MDE to build SCES is relatively small, but has increased gradually in recent years. (2) The approaches diverge about what is needed to build Model-driven Product Lines. (3) Most of the approaches do not consider to differentiate between hardware and software variabilities. (4) Most of the studies propose the use of UML and feature diagrams. (5) The studies present case studies implemented in different tools and most of them are free. (6) The approaches do not cover the entire development lifecycle.


A Critical Embedded System product line model-based approach

Queiroz P.; Braga R.;

Proceedings of the International Conference on Software Engineering and Knowledge Engineering, SEKE

The development of Critical Embedded Systems (CES) like Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAV) is complex because it needs to ensure a high degree of quality, with affordable cost and delivery time. It is also necessary to ensure security since failures in this type of system can lead to catastrophic results. In this sense, a Model-Driven Development (MDD) approach presents itself as a good alternative to the traditional development because coding complexity will be reduced by the use of high level models. In addition, it avoids the introduction of coding errors by human programmers, since the critical code will be built automatically through models transformation. From another perspective, Embedded Systems Development can benefit from Software Engineering techniques like Product Lines to reduce costs and time-to-market. While other works propose the use of Product Line techniques to improve Embedded Software development, we propose a Product Line approach to the whole Critical Embedded System development life cycle, including hardware variability management. Therefore, this paper proposes a Critical Embedded System Product Line Model Based approach, which aims to reduce the above mentioned challenges. The development approach proposes a Domain Engineering and Application Engineering focused on the system, with both software and hardware. To illustrate the proposed approach we include some artifacts from a case study in the UAV domain.

2023 um sistema responsivo baseado em gamificação para auxiliar o processo de ensino-aprendizagem, apoiado no ENADE

Chagas Júnior, JMd; Amora, SdSA; Rodrigues, LCC; Queiroz, PGG;

Anais do XXXIV Simpósio Brasileiro de Informática na Educação (SBIE 2023)

O Exame Nacional de Desempenho de Estudantes (ENADE) compõe uma das bases avaliativas do Sistema Nacional de Avaliação da Educação Superior e tem como principal propósito, avaliar o rendimento dos estudantes a partir da sua formação nos cursos de graduação. Por isso, este trabalho identificou a possibilidade de se basear nesses resultados para aprimorar os processos de ensino-aprendizagem. Para tanto, este artigo apresenta o planejamento, criação e avaliação de uma plataforma de aprendizagem Web responsiva, baseada no ENADE e que utiliza elementos de gamificação com o propósito de aumentar o engajamento dos estudantes. O software foi avaliado, por meio de questionários de aceitação tecnológica, aplicados com 38 usuários e que apresentou resultados promissores, com média geral de 4,71 entre 5 pontos possíveis.

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