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Publicações por Susana Bayo


Shared Batteries Business Models for Energy Communities

Moreno, A; Villar, J; Macedo, P; Silva, R; Bayo, S; Bessa, R;


The deployment of energy communities (EC) will foster new business models contributing to the decentralization and democratization of energy access and a reduction in the energy bill of final consumers. This decentralization is only possible if investments are made in production and storage technologies, that must be installed near the locals of consumption, according to common rules of the regulatory frameworks of EC. In this paper we propose a methodology for the optimal sizing of production and shared storage assets, and we assess the cost reduction of considering shared storage assets. We then formulate seven business models (BM) that dictate how to share this benefit among the EC members, and we propose two indicators to assess them. Results show the difficulty in choosing a BM as well as the limitations of the BM and of the indicators.


Environmental and Economic Constraints on the Use of Lubricant Oils for Wind and Hydropower Generation: The Case of NATURGY

González Reyes, GA; Bayo Besteiro, S; Llobet, JV; Añel, JA;


Lubricant oil is an essential element in wind and hydropower generation. We present a lifecycle assessment (LCA) of the lubricant oils (mineral, synthetic and biodegradable) used in hydropower and wind power generation. The results are given in terms of energy used, associated emissions and costs. We find that, for the oil turbines and regulation systems considered here, biodegradable oil is a better option in terms of energy and CO2 equivalent emissions than mineral or synthetic oils, from production and recycling through to handling. However, synthetic and mineral oils are better options due to the potential risks associated with the use of biodegradable oil, generally when it comes into contact with water. There are also significant savings to be made in the operation of wind turbines when using an improved type of synthetic oil.


Photovoltaic power resource at the Atacama Desert under climate change

Bayo Besteiro, S; de la Torre, L; Costoya, X; Gómez Gesteira, M; Pérez Alarcón, A; deCastro, M; Añel, JA;


The Atacama desert is a region with exceptional conditions for solar power production. However, despite its relevance, the impact of climate change on this resource in this region has barely been studied. Here, we use regional climate models to explore how climate change will affect the photovoltaic solar power resource per square meter (PVres) in Atacama. Models project average reductions in PVres of 1.5% and 1.7% under an RCP8.5 scenario, respectively, for 2021-2040 and 2041-2060. Under RCP2.6 and the same periods, reductions range between 1.2% and 0.5%. Also, we study the contribution to future changes in PVres of the downwelling shortwave radiation, air temperature and wind velocity. We find that the contribution from changes in wind velocity is negligible. Future changes of downwelling shortwave radiation, under the RCP8.5 scenario, cause up to 87% of the decrease of PVres for 2021-2040 and 84% for 2041-2060. Rising temperatures due to climate change are responsible for drops in PVres ranging between 13%–19% under RCP2.6 and 14%–16% under RCP8.5. We conclude that climate change has the potential to impact the PVres in the Atacama region while retaining exceptional conditions for solar power production.


Seasonal and subseasonal wind power characterization and forecasting for the Iberian Peninsula and the Canary Islands: A systematic review

Bayo-Besteiro S.; García-Rodríguez M.; Labandeira X.; Añel J.A.;

International Journal of Climatology

Renewable energy has a key role to play in the transition towards a low-carbon society. Despite its importance, relatively little attention has been focused on the crucial impact of weather and climate on energy demand and supply, or the generation or operational planning of renewable technologies. In particular, to improve the operation and longer-term planning of renewables, it is essential to consider seasonal and subseasonal weather forecasting. Unfortunately, reports that focus on these issues are not common in scientific literature. This paper presents a systematic review of the seasonal forecasting of wind and wind power for the Iberian Peninsula and the Canary Islands, a region leading the world in the development of renewable energies (particularly wind) and thus an important illustration in global terms. To this end, we consider the scientific literature published over the last 13 years (2008–2021). An initial search of this literature produced 14,293 documents, but our review suggests that only around 0.2% are actually relevant to our purposes. The results show that the teleconnection patterns (North Atlantic Oscillation [NAO], East Atlantic [EA] and Scandinavian [SCAND]) and the stratosphere are important sources of predictability of winds in the Iberian Peninsula. We conclude that the existing literature in this crucial area is very limited, which points to the need for increased research efforts, that could lead to great returns. Moreover, the approach and methods developed here could be applied to other areas for which systematic reviews might be either useful or necessary.


Extreme Weather Events and the Energy Sector in 2021

Anel, JA; Perez Souto, C; Bayo Besteiro, S; Prieto Godino, L; Bloomfield, H; Troccoli, A; de la Torre, L;


In 2021, the energy sector was put at risk by extreme weather in many different ways: North America and Spain suffered heavy winter storms that led to the collapse of the electricity network; California speci fi cally experienced heavy droughts and heat -wave conditions, causing the operations of hydropower stations to halt; fl oods caused substantial damage to energy infrastructure in central Europe, Australia, and China throughout the year, and unusual wind drought conditions decreased wind power production in the United Kingdom by almost 40% during summer. The total economic impacts of these extreme weather events are estimated at billions of U.S. dollars. Here we review and assess in some detail the main extreme weather events that impacted the energy sector in 2021 worldwide, discussing some of the most relevant case studies and the meteorological conditions that led to them. We provide a perspective on their impacts on electricity generation, transmission, and consumption, and summarize estimations of economic losses.