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Publicações por Manuel Barbosa


SAFETHINGS: Data Security by Design in the IoT

Barbosa, M; Ben Mokhtar, S; Felber, P; Maia, F; Matos, M; Oliveira, R; Riviere, E; Schiavoni, V; Voulgaris, S;


Despite years of research and the long-lasting promise of pervasiveness of an "Internet of Things", it is only recently that a truly convincing number of connected things have been deployed in the wild. New services are now being built on top of these things and allow to realize the IoT vision. However, integration of things in complex and interconnected systems is still only in the hands of their manufacturers and of Cloud providers supporting IoT integration platforms. Several issues associated with data privacy arise from this situation. Not only do users need to trust manufacturers and IoT platforms for handling their data, but integration between heterogeneous platforms is still only incipient. In this position paper, we chart a new IoT architecture, SAFETHINGS, that aims at enabling data privacy by design, and that we believe can serve as the foundation for a more comprehensive IoT integration. The SAFETHINGS architecture is based on two simple but powerful conceptual component families, the cleansers and blenders, that allow data owners to get back the control of IoT data and its processing.


Compiling CAO: From cryptographic specifications to C implementations

Barbosa, M; Castro, D; Silva, PF;

Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics)

We present a compiler for CAO, an imperative DSL for the cryptographic domain. The tool takes high-level cryptographic algorithm specifications and translates them into C implementations through a series of security-aware transformations and optimizations. The compiler back-end is highly configurable, allowing the targeting of very disparate platforms in terms of memory requirements and computing power. © 2014 Springer-Verlag.


The Related-Key Analysis of Feistel Constructions

Barbosa, M; Farshim, P;


It is well known that the classical three-and four-round Feistel constructions are provably secure under chosen-plaintext and chosen-ciphertext attacks, respectively. However, irrespective of the number of rounds, no Feistel construction can resist related-key attacks where the keys can be offset by a constant. In this paper we show that, under suitable reuse of round keys, security under related-key attacks can be provably attained. Our modification is simpler and more efficient than alternatives obtained using generic transforms, namely the PRG transform of Bellare and Cash (CRYPTO 2010) and its random-oracle analogue outlined by Lucks (FSE 2004). Additionally we formalize Luck's transform and show that it does not always work if related keys are derived in an oracle-dependent way, and then prove it sound under appropriate restrictions.


On the relationship between functional encryption, obfuscation, and fully homomorphic encryption

Alwen, J; Barbosa, M; Farshim, P; Gennaro, R; Gordon, SD; Tessaro, S; Wilson, DA;

Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics)

We investigate the relationship between Functional Encryption (FE) and Fully Homomorphic Encryption (FHE), demonstrating that, under certain assumptions, a Functional Encryption scheme supporting evaluation on two ciphertexts implies Fully Homomorphic Encryption. We first introduce the notion of Randomized Functional Encryption (RFE), a generalization of Functional Encryption dealing with randomized functionalities of interest in its own right, and show how to construct an RFE from a (standard) semantically secure FE. For this we define the notion of entropically secure FE and use it as an intermediary step in the construction. Finally we show that RFEs constructed in this way can be used to construct FHE schemes thereby establishing a relation between the FHE and FE primitives. We conclude the paper by recasting the construction of RFE schemes in the context of obfuscation. © 2013 Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg.


Certified computer-aided cryptography: Efficient provably secure machine code from high-level implementations

Almeida, JB; Barbosa, M; Barthe, G; Dupressoir, F;

Proceedings of the ACM Conference on Computer and Communications Security

We present a computer-aided framework for proving concrete security bounds for cryptographic machine code implementations. The front-end of the framework is an interactive verification tool that extends the EasyCrypt framework to reason about relational properties of C-like programs extended with idealised probabilistic operations in the style of code-based security proofs. The framework also incorporates an extension of the CompCert certified compiler to support trusted libraries providing complex arithmetic calculations or instantiating idealized components such as sampling operations. This certified compiler allows us to carry to executable code the security guarantees established at the high-level, and is also instrumented to detect when compilation may interfere with side-channel countermeasures deployed in source code. We demonstrate the applicability of the framework by applying it to the RSA-OAEP encryption scheme, as standardized in PKCS#1 v2.1. The outcome is a rigorous analysis of the advantage of an adversary to break the security of assembly implementations of the algorithms specified by the standard. The example also provides two contributions of independent interest: it bridges the gap between computer-assisted security proofs and real-world cryptographic implementations as described by standards such as PKCS,and demonstrates the use of the CompCert certified compiler in the context of cryptographic software development. © 2013 ACM.


Foundations of Hardware-Based Attested Computation and Application to SGX

Barbosa, M; Portela, B; Scerri, G; Warinschi, B;

IACR Cryptology ePrint Archive


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