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Publicações por CRACS


A Performance Assessment of Free-to-Use Vulnerability Scanners - Revisited

Araújo, R; Pinto, A; Pinto, P;

ICT Systems Security and Privacy Protection - 36th IFIP TC 11 International Conference, SEC 2021, Oslo, Norway, June 22-24, 2021, Proceedings

Vulnerability scanning tools can help secure the computer networks of organisations. Triggered by the release of the Tsunami vulnerability scanner by Google, the authors analysed and compared the commonly used, free-to-use vulnerability scanners. The performance, accuracy and precision of these scanners are quite disparate and vary accordingly to the target systems. The computational, memory and network resources required be these scanners also differ. We present a recent and detailed comparison of such tools that are available for use by organisations with lower resources such as small and medium-sized enterprises. © 2021, IFIP International Federation for Information Processing.


Controlled and Secure Sharing of Classified Threat Intelligence between Multiple Entities

Fernandes, R; Pinto, P; Pinto, A;


The Malware Information Sharing Platform (MISP) enables the sharing of cyberthreat information within a community, company or organisation. However, this platform presents limitations if its information is deemed as classified or shared only for a given period of time. This implies that this information should to be handled only in encrypted form. One solution is to use MISP with searchable encryption techniques to impose greater control over the sharing of information. In this paper, we propose a controlled information sharing functionality that features a synchronisation procedure that enables classified data exchange between MISP instances, based on policies and ensuring the required confidentiality and integrity of the shared data. Sequence charts are presented validating the configuration, the data synchronisation, and the data searching between multiple entities.


A Smart Contract Architecture to Enhance the Industrial Symbiosis Process Between the Pulp and Paper Companies - A Case Study

Gonçalves, R; Ferreira, I; Godina, R; Pinto, P; Pinto, A;

Blockchain and Applications - 3rd International Congress, BLOCKCHAIN 2021, Salamanca, Spain, 6-8 October, 2021



eHealthCare - A Medication Monitoring Approach for the Elderly People

Pinto, A; Correia, A; Alves, R; Matos, P; Ascensão, J; Camelo, D;

Wireless Mobile Communication and Healthcare - 10th EAI International Conference, MobiHealth 2021, Virtual Event, November 13-14, 2021, Proceedings

For the regularly medicated population, the management of the posology is of utmost importance. With increasing average life expectancy, people tend to become older and more likely to have chronic medical disorders, consequently taking more medicines. This is predominant in the older population, but it’s not exclusive to this generation. It’s a common problem for all those suffering from chronic diseases, regardless of age group. Performing a correct management of the medicines stock, as well as, taking them at the ideal time, is not always easy and, in some cases, the diversity of medicines needed to treat a particular medical disorder is a proof of that. Knowing what to take, how much to take, and ensuring compliance with the medication intervals, for each medication in use, becomes a serious problem for those who experience this reality. The situation is aggravated when the posology admits variable amounts, intervals, and combinations depending on the patient’s health condition. This paper presents a solution that optimizes the management of medication of users who use the services of institutions that provide health care to the elderly (e.g., day care centers or nursing homes). Making use of the NB-IoT network, artificial intelligence algorithms, a set of sensors and an Arduino MKR NB 1500, this solution, in addition to the functionalities already described, eHealthCare also has mechanisms that allow identifying the non-adherence to medication by the elderly. © 2022, ICST Institute for Computer Sciences, Social Informatics and Telecommunications Engineering.


The Entropy Universe

Ribeiro, M; Henriques, T; Castro, L; Souto, A; Antunes, L; Costa Santos, C; Teixeira, A;


About 160 years ago, the concept of entropy was introduced in thermodynamics by Rudolf Clausius. Since then, it has been continually extended, interpreted, and applied by researchers in many scientific fields, such as general physics, information theory, chaos theory, data mining, and mathematical linguistics. This paper presents The Entropy Universe, which aims to review the many variants of entropies applied to time-series. The purpose is to answer research questions such as: How did each entropy emerge? What is the mathematical definition of each variant of entropy? How are entropies related to each other? What are the most applied scientific fields for each entropy? We describe in-depth the relationship between the most applied entropies in time-series for different scientific fields, establishing bases for researchers to properly choose the variant of entropy most suitable for their data. The number of citations over the past sixteen years of each paper proposing a new entropy was also accessed. The Shannon/differential, the Tsallis, the sample, the permutation, and the approximate entropies were the most cited ones. Based on the ten research areas with the most significant number of records obtained in the Web of Science and Scopus, the areas in which the entropies are more applied are computer science, physics, mathematics, and engineering. The universe of entropies is growing each day, either due to the introducing new variants either due to novel applications. Knowing each entropy's strengths and of limitations is essential to ensure the proper improvement of this research field.


Complexity as cardiorespiratory coupling measure in neonates with different gestational ages

Ribeiro, M; Castro, L; Antunes, L; Costa Santos, C; Henriques, T;

Proceedings of Entropy 2021: The Scientific Tool of the 21st Century


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