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Publicações por CRACS


Programming Networked Vehicle Systems using Dolphin - Field Tests at REP'17

Lima, K; Marques, ERB; Pinto, J; Sousa, JB;


The increasing availability and use of autonomous vehicles for real operational scenarios has led to the need for tools that allow human operators to interact with multiple systems effectively, taking into account their capabilities, limitations and environmental constraints. Multiple vehicles, deployed together in order to accomplish a common goal, impose a high burden on a human operator for specifying and executing coordinated behavior, particularly in mixed-initiative systems where humans are part of the control loop. In this paper, we describe experimental field tests for Dolphin, a domain-specific language that allows a single program to define the joint behaviour of multiple vehicles over a network. Using the language, it is possible to accomplish an orchestrated execution of single-vehicle tasks according to several patterns such as sequential, concurrent, or event-based program flow. With this aim, Dolphin has been integrated modularly with a software toolchain for autonomous vehicles developed by Laboratorio de Sistemas e Tecnologia Subaquatica (LSTS). The tests we describe made use of LSTS unmanned underwater vehicles (UUVs) at open sea during the 2017 edition of Rapid Environment Picture (REP), an annual exercise jointly organised by LSTS and the Portuguese Navy.


Dolphin: a task orchestration language for autonomous vehicle networks

Lima, K; Marques, ERB; Pinto, J; Sousa, JB;


We present Dolphin, an extensible programming language for autonomous vehicle networks. A Dolphin program expresses an orchestrated execution of tasks defined compositionally for multiple vehicles. Building upon the base case of elementary one-vehicle tasks, the built-in operators include support for composing tasks in several forms, for instance according to concurrent, sequential, or event-based task flow. The language is implemented as a Groovy DSL, facilitating extension and integration with external software packages, in particular robotic toolkits. The paper describes the Dolphin language, its integration with an open-source toolchain for autonomous vehicles, and results from field tests using unmanned underwater vehicles (UUVs) and unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs).


Evaluating the Privacy Properties of Secure VoIP Metadata

Resende, JS; Sousa, PR; Antunes, L;


Some governments do not consider metadata as personal data, and so not in the scope of privacy regulations. However, often, metadata gives more relevant information than the actual content itself. Metadata can be very useful to identify, locate, understand and manage personal data, i.e., information that is eminently private in nature and under most privacy regulation should be anonymized or deleted if users have not give their consent. In voice calls, we are facing a critical situation in terms of privacy, as metadata can identify who calls to whom and the duration of the call, for example. In this work, we investigate privacy properties of voice calls metadata, in particular when using secure VoIP, giving evidence of the ability to extract sensitive information from its ("secure") metadata. We find that ZRTP metadata is freely available to any client on the network, and that users can be re-identified by any user with access to the network. Also, we propose a solution for this problem, suitable for all the ZRTP-based implementations.


Enforcing Privacy and Security in Public Cloud Storage

Resende, JS; Martins, R; Antunes, L;


Cloud storage allows users to remotely store their data, giving access anywhere and to anyone with an Internet connection. The accessibility, lack of local data maintenance and absence of local storage hardware are the main advantages of this type of storage. The adoption of this type of storage is being driven by its accessibility. However, one of the main barriers to its widespread adoption is the sovereignty issues originated by lack of trust in storing private and sensitive information in such a medium. Recent attacks to cloud-based storage show that current solutions do not provide adequate levels of security and subsequently fail to protect users' privacy. Usually, users rely solely on the security supplied by the storage providers, which in the presence of a security breach will ultimate lead to data leakage. In this paper, we propose and implement a broker (ARGUS) that acts as a proxy to the existing public cloud infrastructures by performing all the necessary authentication, cryptography and erasure coding. ARGUS uses erasure code as a way to provide efficient redundancy (opposite to standard replication) while adding an extra layer to data protection in which data is broken into fragments, expanded and encoded with redundant data pieces that are stored across a set of different storage providers (public or private). The key characteristics of ARGUS are confidentiality, integrity and availability of data stored in public cloud systems.


On the Feasibility of Blockchain for Online Surveys with Reputation and Informed Consent Support

de Sousa, HR; Pinto, A;

Ambient Intelligence - Software and Applications -, 9th International Symposium on Ambient Intelligence, ISAmI 2018, Toledo, Spain, 20-22 June 2018

Economical benefits obtained by large Internet corporations from gathering and processing user information at a global scale led the European Union to legislate on behalf of individual rights and the privacy of personal information. Data collectors, in particular, must now obtain proof of the user’s consent for every single operation comprising their data. Considering the conflicting interests of all involved parties, we propose that consent should be stored in a blockchain. By being a distributed, immutable and verifiable ledger, the blockchain presents itself as an almost tailor-made solution to harmonize conflicting interests while enabling the regulators’ supervision. © Springer Nature Switzerland AG 2019.


On the Use of the Blockchain Technology in Electronic Voting Systems

Alves, J; Pinto, A;

Ambient Intelligence - Software and Applications -, 9th International Symposium on Ambient Intelligence, ISAmI 2018, Toledo, Spain, 20-22 June 2018

The benefits of blockchain go beyond its applicability in finance. Electronic Voting Systems (EVS) are considered as a way to achieve a more effective act of voting. EVS are expected to be verifiable and tamper resistant. The blockchain partially fulfills this requirements of EVS by being an immutable, verifiable and distributed record of transactions. The adoption of EVS has been hampered mainly by cultural and political issues rather than technological ones. The authors believe that blockchain is the technology that, due to the overall attention it has been receiving, is capable of fostering the adoption of EVS. In the current work we compare blockchain-based EVS, identifying their strengths and shortcomings. © Springer Nature Switzerland AG 2019.

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