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Publicações por CRACS


Comparing and Benchmarking Semantic Measures Using SMComp

Costa, T; Leal, JP;

5th Symposium on Languages, Applications and Technologies, SLATE 2016, June 20-21, 2016, Maribor, Slovenia

The goal of the semantic measures is to compare pairs of concepts, words, sentences or named entities. Their categorization depends on what they measure. If a measure only considers taxonomy relationships is a similarity measure; if it considers all type of relationships it is a relatedness measure. The evaluation process of these measures usually relies on semantic gold standards. These datasets, with several pairs of words with a rating assigned by persons, are used to assess how well a semantic measure performs. There are a few frameworks that provide tools to compute and analyze several well-known measures. This paper presents a novel tool - SMComp - a testbed designed for path-based semantic measures. At its current state, it is a domain-specific tool using three different versions of WordNet. SMComp has two views: one to compute semantic measures of a pair of words and another to assess a semantic measure using a dataset. On the first view, it offers several measures described in the literature as well as the possibility of creating a new measure, by introducing Java code snippets on the GUI. The other view offers a large set of semantic benchmarks to use in the assessment process. It also offers the possibility of uploading a custom dataset to be used in the assessment. © Teresa Costa and José Paulo Leal;licensed under Creative Commons License CC-BY.


5th Symposium on Languages, Applications and Technologies, SLATE 2016, June 20-21, 2016, Maribor, Slovenia

Mernik, M; Leal, JP; Oliveira, HG;





Mernik, M; Leal, JP; Oliveira, HG;

OpenAccess Series in Informatics



A safe-by-design programming language for wireless sensor networks

Lopes, L; Martins, F;


Wireless sensor networks are notoriously difficult to program and debug. This fact not only stems from the nature of the hardware, but also from the current approaches for developing programming languages and runtime systems for these platforms. In particular, current systems do not place enough stress on providing formal descriptions of the language and its runtime system, and on proving static properties, like type-safety and soundness. In this paper, we present the design, specification, and implementation of a programming language and a runtime system for wireless sensor networks that are safe by design. We say this in the sense that we can statically detect a large set of would-be runtime errors, and that the runtime system will not incorrectly execute an application, once the latter is deployed. We have a full prototype implementation of the system that supports SunSPOT devices, the simulation tool VisualSense, and local computer networks for fast deployment and testing of applications. Development is supported by an IDE implemented on top of the Eclipse tool that embeds both the compiler and the virtual machine seamlessly, and is used to produce software releases.


On the Implementation of an Or-Parallel Prolog System for Clusters of Multicores

Santos, J; Rocha, R;


Nowadays, clusters of multicores are becoming the norm and, although, many or-parallel Prolog systems have been developed in the past, to the best of our knowledge, none of them was specially designed to explore the combination of shared and distributed memory architectures. In recent work, we have proposed a novel computational model specially designed for such combination which introduces a layered model with two scheduling levels, one for workers sharing memory resources, which we named a team of workers, and another for teams of workers (not sharing memory resources). In this work, we present a first implementation of such model and for that we revive and extend the YapOr system to exploit or-parallelism between teams of workers. We also propose a new set of built-in predicates that constitute the syntax to interact with an or-parallel engine in our platform. Experimental results show that our implementation is able to increase speedups as we increase the number of workers per team, thus taking advantage of the maximum number of cores in a machine, and to increase speedups as we increase the number of teams, thus taking advantage of adding more computer nodes to a cluster.


Declarative Coordination of Graph-based Parallel Programs

Cruz, F; Rocha, R; Goldstein, SC;


Declarative programming has been hailed as a promising approach to parallel programming since it makes it easier to reason about programs while hiding the implementation details of parallelism from the programmer. However, its advantage is also its disadvantage as it leaves the programmer with no straightforward way to optimize programs for performance. In this paper, we introduce Coordinated Linear Meld (CLM), a concurrent forward-chaining linear logic programming language, with a declarative way to coordinate the execution of parallel programs allowing the programmer to specify arbitrary scheduling and data partitioning policies. Our approach allows the programmer to write graph-based declarative programs and then optionally to use coordination to fine-tune parallel performance. In this paper we specify the set of coordination facts, discuss their implementation in a parallel virtual machine, and show-through example-how they can be used to optimize parallel execution. We compare the performance of CLM programs against the original uncoordinated Linear Meld and several other frameworks.

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