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Publicações por Aurora Teixeira


Empirical Literature on Economic Growth, 1991–2020: Uncovering Extant Gaps and Avenues for Future Research

Doré, NI; Teixeira, AAC;

Global Journal of Emerging Market Economies

The factors required to achieve sustainable economic growth in a country are debated for decades, and empirical research in this regard continues to grow. Given the relevance of the topic and the absence of a comprehensive, systematic literature review, we used bibliometric techniques to examine and document several aspects in the empirical literature related to growth, from 1991 to 2020. Five main results are worth highlighting: (a) the share of empirical articles on economic growth show a clear upward trend; (b) among all the groups of countries considered, the emerging economies (EEs) have received the most scientific attention; (c) the economic growth processes of the Latin American and Caribbean EEs have observed negligible scientific attention; (d) the very long-run studies comprise a residual share among the empirical literature on growth; (e) the extant empirical studies on economic growth have addressed mainly the impact of “macroeconomic conditions.” Our findings suggest there is a need to redirect the empirical growth agenda, so as to encourage more scientific attention devoted to the analysis of key determinants of economic growth in the very long run. There should also be increased scrutiny of the processes of economic growth in Latin American and Caribbean EEs. © 2021 Emerging Markets Forum, Washington DC.


Assessing the Impact of Universities' Entrepreneurial Activity on Regional Competitiveness

Bras, GR; Preto, MT; Daniel, AD; Teixeira, AAC;


The aim of this study is to test the multidimensional construct of the Entrepreneurial University (EU), and therefore to confirm whether EU factors make a positive contribution to regional competitiveness. Data were collected from ten Portuguese Public Universities (PPUs) through a self-administered questionnaire. First- and second-order confirmatory factor analyses (CFA) were performed through factor and multiple linear regression analyses. The main findings show that EU related factors-perceived and combined with actual regional metrics-especially entrepreneurial supporting measures, positively contributed to regional competitiveness. This study shows policy makers that universities are not merely cost centres but provide knowledge spillovers that can have a positive influence on regional competitiveness.


The scientific contribution of Leonor Vasconcelos Ferreira

Teixeira, AAC; Silva, S; Teixeira, P;

Notas Económicas



Entry mode choices of multinational companies (MNCs) and host countries’ corruption: A review

Aurora A. C. Teixeira,;




Excesso de incentivos à inovação na presença de consumidores sofisticados: um modelo de progresso tecnológico endógeno com capital humano

Teixeira, AAC;

Estudos Econômicos (São Paulo)

Neste artigo é desenvolvido um modelo de crescimento baseado no progresso tecnológico endógeno, em que o crescimento econômico é induzido por melhorias contínuas na qualidade de cada produto diferenciado. A inovação, "motor" do crescimento, tem como "combustível" essencial o capital humano. Partindo dos modelos de base de Grossman e Helpman (1991a, 1991b), mas considerando, diferentemente, um índice de consumo constituído por bens diferenciados e um bem homogêneo, o modelo proposto destaca a influência determinante da procura no crescimento econômico, aspecto negligenciado pela literatura do crescimento endógeno. Do esforço de modelização decorre que consumidores pouco sofisticados, com reduzida preferência por produtos diferenciados em termos de qualidade, geram, seguramente, incentivos insuficientes para a investigação, enquanto que consumidores mais sofisticados podem gerar excesso de incentivos. Assim, se a quota dos produtos diferenciados na procura estiver positivamente correlacionada com o nível de desenvolvimento do país, então países menos desenvolvidos tendem a apresentar taxas de inovação relativamente reduzidas, ao contrário de países mais desenvolvidos, em que essas taxas podem até ser (socialmente) demasiado elevadas.


The Evolution of the Cluster Literature: Shedding Light on the Regional Studies-Regional Science Debate

Cruz, SCS; Teixeira, AAC;


Cruz S. C. S. and Teixeira A. A. C. The evolution of the cluster literature: shedding light on the regional studies-regional science debate, Regional Studies. Despite the intuitive awareness about the rising importance of the cluster literature, an empirical study on its precise magnitude and evolution has yet to be accomplished. Based on two complementary bibliometric exercises - comprising 50 000 citations and almost 3000 abstracts, ranging in date from 1962 to 2008 - it was demonstrated that although seminal contributors come both from regional science and regional studies areas, the 'convergence' between regional science and regional studies approaches is still a chimera. [image omitted] Cruz S. C. S. et Teixeira A. A. C. L'evolution de la documentation au sujet des grappes: repandre de la lumiere sur le debat a propos des etudes regionales et de la science regionale, Regional Studies. Malgre la conscience intuitive a l'egard de l'importance accrue de la documentation au sujet des grappes, il faut encore faire une etude empirique sur son ampleur precise et son evolution. A partir de deux exercices bibliometriques - comportant 50 000 citations et a peu pres 3 000 resumes, allant de 1962 jusqu'a 2008 - on montre que l'on poursuit toujours des chimeres quant au 'rapprochement' entre la facon prise dans la science regionale et celle employee dans les etudes regionales. Grappes Grappes industrielles Implantation industrielle Bibliometrie Cruz S. C. S. und Teixeira A. A. C. Die Evolution der Cluster-Literatur: eine Untersuchung der Debatte uber Regionalstudien und Regionalwissenschaft, Regional Studies. Die wachsende Bedeutung der Literatur uber Cluster ist zwar auf intuitive Weise bekannt, doch eine empirische Studie uber ihre genaue Grosse und Evolution steht noch aus. Ausgehend von zwei komplementaren bibliometrischen Untersuchungen - mit 50.000 Zitaten und beinahe 3000 Inhaltsangaben aus den Jahren 1962 bis 2008 - wurde nachgewiesen, dass zukunftsweisende Beitrage zwar sowohl aus dem Bereich der Regionalwissenschaft als auch aus dem der Regionalstudien kommen, aber die 'Konvergenz' der Ansatze der Regionalwissenschaft und der Regionalstudien weiterhin ein Trugbild bleibt. Cluster Branchencluster Industriestandort Bibliometrie Cruz S. C. S. y Teixeira A. A. C. La evolucion de la literatura de aglomeraciones: un analisis sobre el debate de estudios regionales y ciencia regional, Regional Studies. Aunque la creciente importancia de la literatura sobre aglomeraciones se conoce de modo intuitivo, todavia es necesario un estudio empirico sobre su magnitud precisa y evolucion. En base a dos ejercicios bibliometricos complementarios - que contienen 50.000 citaciones y casi 3000 resumenes, y que van desde 1962 a 2008 - se demostro que aunque las contribuciones importantes proceden tanto de areas de estudios cientificos como regionales, la 'convergencia' entre los enfoques de ciencia regional y estudios regionales es todavia una quimera. Aglomeraciones Aglomeraciones industriales Ubicacion industrial Bibliometria.

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