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Publicações por Aurora Teixeira


How has the Portuguese innovation capability evolved? Estimating a time series of the stock of technological knowledge (1960–2001)

Teixeira, AAC;

Portuguese Journal of Social Science

The importance of promoting innovation has been elevated up to a status of official standard since the Lisbon European Summit in 2000. Here research and development (R&D) has been singled out as an essential element of the foundation on which innovation could be built. R&D has been a growing area of investigation namely at level of firms micro studies aimed at uncovering firms’ innovation capability. At the macro level, the relevance of R&D for countries’ innovation capability has been, in a dynamic perspective, more often presumed rather than effectively tested. This latter limitation is, to a large extent, explained by the paucity of aggregated continuous time series on innovation indicators specifically those based on R&D expenditures. This paper aims at filling this gap by providing an estimate of the Portuguese innovation capability over the two last four decades based on the accumulated R&D efforts. Such indicator, albeit preliminary, will desirably endorse new investigation on the Portuguese catching-up process and, in this way, might inform present and future public programs related to R&D policies in particular and innovation policies in general.


Mapping local political entrepreneurship in Portugal [Mapeamento do empreendedorismo do poder local em Portugal]

Da Silva, CR; Teixeira, AAC;

Revista Portuguesa de Estudos Regionais

Being political entrepreneurship an issue that has received a high distinction in literature, its empirical evidence is scarce largely derived from limitations of operationalizing the concept. In this article we operationalize local political entrepreneurship considering three main dimensions: 1) fundraising, 2) the possession and/or construction of infrastructure to support business and social activities, and 3) the supply of support activities and services required for activities business and social. Based on information gathered from 108 Portuguese municipalities, we quantified the overall political entrepreneurship and in the three dimensions mentioned presenting a ranking of municipalities and the corresponding NUTS III regions. Additionally, through the estimation of econometric specifications, we conclude that the local political entrepreneurship has a positive and significant but indirect impact, through the human capital of employed population, on the creation of new businesses, particularly the knowledge-intensive ones. In other words, the impact of entrepreneurial actions by the local political authorities is much higher the greater the proportion of the employed population with higher education in the region. On this basis, it is not enough that local authorities are 'entrepreneurial'; in addition to the public actions of fundraising, construction of infrastructures and promotion of activities for business promotion, one needs to ensure that the region is endowed with an adequate level of absorptive capacity, i.e., investment in human capital and R&D activities.


Methods of assessing the evolution of science: A review

E Silva, MC; Teixeira, AAC;

European Journal of Scientific Research

Interest in the characterization and evolution of science has sparked a vast amount of literature. The manner in which this field of knowledge is depicted is highly diversified, giving rise to different styles of reporting the history of science. Not with standing the relevance of the subject for a broader understanding of how knowledge is produced, certified and appropriated, a simple and informative framework is missing. Proposing a simple categorization of the methods for assessing the evolution of science, our study highlights the changing process of scientific traditions, portraying the evolution of science as shifting towards hybrid and quantitative methodologies, namely those based on bibliometric techniques, as they arguably rely less on the judgments and perceptions of researchers, and have a higher degree of certainty. © EuroJournals Publishing, Inc. 2012.


Determinants of the international influence of a R&D Organisation: A bibliometric approach

Teixeira, AAC; Sequeira, J;

European Journal of Scientific Research

Traditionally, studies on the influence and impact of knowledge-producing organisations have been addressed by means of strict economic analysis, stressing their economic impact to a local, regional or national extent. In the present study an alternative methodology is put forward in order to evaluate the international scientific impact and influence of a knowledge-producing and -diffusing institution. We introduce a new methodology, based on scientometric and bibliometric tools which complement traditional assessments by considering the influence of a R&D institution when looking at the scientific production undertaken and the recognition of its releVance by its international peer community. Focusing on the most prolific scientific areas of the R&D institution (INESC Porto), and resorting to published scientific work recorded in the Science Citation Index (SCI) we show that the R&D institution has enlarged its international scientific network. The logit estimations demonstrate that the wide geographical influence of INESC Porto scientific research is a result not of its international positioning in terms of coauthorships, but rather a result of the quality of its scientific output. © EuroJournals Publishing, Inc. 2011.


Determinants and/or Barriers to the Adoption and Diffusion of Paper Transistors in Portuguese Industry

Sousa, J; Teixeira, A; Silva, S;


The transistor is an electronic component that revolutionized the world of electronics, enabling the development and improvement of various systems and products in this area over the years. The paper transistor resulted from research conducted by a team coordinated by Elvira Fortunato. It is an ultra-small (nano) transistor, which is paper-based, a cheap and easily accessible material. This article intends, first, to determine the innovation model behind the paper transistor and, second, based on a survey of a sample of Portuguese firms in industries inclined to adopting the transistor, to understand its level of implementation and assess the determinants that may be influencing this process. A review of relevant literature and an interview with Elvira Fortunato, the key researcher, support the conclusion that the innovation model in question is the interactive one. In fact, since the project began, significant interaction took place between research institutions and industry, which continued throughout the development process. In the second phase of our work, a group of firms was surveyed, selected on the basis of the relevance of the technology on the activities they conduct. Only one firm from the five respondents said they knew of the paper transistor. The answers collected also indicated that there are three main determinants which explain why firms have failed to adopt this transistor: the expected profit, the existence of networks between firms and universities, and information. Thus, we conclude that there is a significant need for increased interaction between universities and firms, so as to promote a broader understanding of the stakeholders' needs, with the development of innovations in universities and research institutes based on adaptation to the business context.


Entrepreneurial Intents of Final Year University Students: a Multi-Course Investigation

Teixeira, A; Forte, RP;


Entrepreneurial activities are seen as key drivers of innovation, job creation, and economic growth. Recent efforts are being pursued by several entities, including governments to promote entrepreneurial skills amongst the youngest. However, to design effective programs, policy makers have to uncover the determinants of entrepreneurship. To avoid that such efforts would be fruitless we argue that a multidisciplinary account of entrepreneurial intents among students is mandatory, circumventing past biased analysis towards business and engineering areas. Thus, in this paper we present the results of a survey to all final year university students of the largest Portuguese university. It encompasses a sample of 2430 students enrolled in 60 different courses of 14 schools/faculties. Results evidence that the average entrepreneurial intents reaches a reasonable (by international standards) figure of 27%, with students enrolled in non-traditionally entrepreneurial focused areas Humanities, Sports, Health and Sciences - and courses - Pharmacy, Veterinary, Law, Languages, History, History of the Arts and Archaeology, Sports, Biology and Chemistry, Dentistry - revealing higher entrepreneurial intents. Based on logit estimations, we further found that psychological factors, such as risk propensity, leadership profile, and creativeness, are the most important (positive) determinants of students' entrepreneurial intents. Contextual factors (e.g., family background and professional experience) failed to emerge as critical factors in explaining students' entrepreneurial intents - only business context emerged as important. Despite such results might at a first glance convey the idea that education policy for promoting entrepreneurship has limited application, we argue that it is not the case. What is required is different policy measures targeting students' attitudes and behaviors in both business and non business areas, avoiding the long-established mistake of confining entrepreneurial education related programs in business schools.

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