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Publicações por Aurora Teixeira


Innovation performance in service companies and KIBS vis-a-vis manufacturing: the relevance of absorptive capacity and openness

Teixeira, AAC; Bezerra, L;


Purpose - The present paper adds to the most recent current of literature that highlights the importance of innovation in services, analyzing a setting - Portugal - which is relatively backward in terms of innovation performance. Design/methodology/approach - Based on a sample of 4128 companies (including 1489 service companies) that answered the Community Innovation Survey 2008, we assessed, by resorting to logistic regressions, the determinants of innovation performance in Portuguese companies. Findings - 1) Workers who have the 1st cycle of higher education have a positive and significant impact on the innovation of service companies whereas PhDs are detrimental to companies' innovative performance; 2) Companies in the service sector in general, and in KIBS in particular, that effectively invest in external and (continuous) internal R&D activities are more innovative; 3) External scientific sources of information for innovation are crucial (and much more than in manufacturing) to the innovation performance of service companies, especially of KIBS; 4) Similarly to manufacturing, participation in innovation activities in cooperation with foreign partners appears as a key factor in the innovative performance of service companies. Originality/value - The study demonstrates the influence of companies' openness and the relative importance attributed to different sources of information for innovation on innovation outcomes of service companies (and KIBS) compared to manufacturing industries.


Introduction: Structural change, competitiveness and industrial policy

Da Silva, EG; Teixeira, AAC;

Structural Change, Competitiveness and Industrial Policy: Painful Lessons from the European Periphery



Assessing the Magnitude of Creative Employment: A Comprehensive Mapping and Estimation of Existing Methodologies

Cruz, S; Teixeira, AAC;


The present study surveys and maps the existing methodological approaches for measuring creative employment. Based on a unique matched employer-employee data-set which encompasses over three million Portuguese workers, we found that the magnitude of the creative class varies considerably between approaches, ranging from 2.5%, using the conventional industry-based taxonomy and 30.8%, using Florida's occupational proposal. The disparities are justified on the basis of the departure definition of what creative employment is and operationalization issues regarding which industries and occupations should be included. Interestingly, when we focus on core creative employment, the figures conveyed by the distinct approaches are strikingly similar (around 6%), suggesting that, at least where core creative employment is concerned, the distinct approaches converge. The diversity of approaches and measurements are not necessarily a bad thing in itself, but has to be adequately acknowledged in order to accomplish adequate public-policy guidance.


Corruption, economic growth and globalization

Teixeira, AAC; Pimenta, C; Maia, A; Moreira, JA;

Corruption, Economic Growth and Globalization

Corruption is increasingly placed on top of the agenda of national governments and supra national institutions, such as the OECD, UN or the World Bank. A necessary condition for promoting sustainable economic growth is the pre-existence of a stable political system which is able to control corruption. Corruption, however, is a very complex issue, associated with institutional and cultural specificities, personality traits related to individualistic values, and criminal personalities. In this book the social, political and economic realities that prevail in particular settings are viewed from an interdisciplinary, multidimensional, and a multi country perspective. This book is divided into three parts. The first part presents a comprehensive, theoretical and empirical framework of corruption with an overview of literature on economic growth and corruption. Part two, encompasses the in-depth analysis of several countries, ranging from middle corrupted contexts like Portugal, to highly corrupted countries including Serbia, Russia, Thailand and China- the latter viewed from the perspective of firms from a very low corruption country such as Finland. The final part explores the prevention and control of corruption, looking at the public sector in Thailand and fighting corruption with different strategies. This volume is of the interest of those who study international economics, development economics or organised crime.


Do countries' endowments of non-renewable energy resources matter for FDI attraction? A panel data analysis of 125 countries over the period 1995–2012

Teixeira, AA; Forte, R; Assunção, S;

International Economics



Economic growth and the economics of corruption: A merge between tribes?

Teixeira, AAC; Silva, ST;

Corruption, Economic Growth and Globalization


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