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Publicações por Jorge Pinho de Sousa


Distributed planning and control systems for the virtual enterprise: organizational requirements and development life-cycle

Soares, AL; Azevedo, AL; de Sousa, JP;


This paper describes the requirements analysis and system specification of an Order Promise module to be used as part of a broader Decision Support System for production and operations planning of a Virtual Enterprise. This work is part of a broader project with a particular focus on the microelectronics industry which is a good example of Virtual Enterprise, and where a quick response to the customers needs and to unpredictable changes in production conditions is considered a major factor for success. First, the analysis and specification are presented within a development framework that involves the study of organizational issues of semiconductor enterprises. The use of ontological engineering for supporting the communication and shared understanding of the system concepts is explained and a virtual enterprise ontology is outlined. Following the clarification of the concept of virtual enterprise, the generic techno-organizational requirements for the information system are derived. Finally, a specification of the global planning module and a more detailed one regarding the order promise module is presented.


Order planning for networked make-to-order enterprises - a case study

Azevedo, AL; Sousa, JP;


From the general trend towards global markers and a growing customer orientation, new concepts and forms of organisation are emerging, such as distributed or networked enterprises. One key requirement of these new paradigms is the availability of models and tools to support order negotiation with the optimisation of manufacturing routes and logistics and ensuring the co-ordination of all participating entities. We address the problem of planning an incoming customer order to be produced in a distributed (multi-site) and multi-stage production system, in particular, we have used as a case study the industry of semiconductors (in the business area of application specific integrated circuits). The problem is tackled in a hierarchical model, in two levels: there is a global network planning procedure, and a set of local capacity models associated to the different production units reflecting their particular features. An approach based on simulated annealing is presented, as well as a specially designed constructive heuristic, that takes into account many of the real world constraints and complexities. The general performance of the simulated annealing algorithm is assessed through some preliminary computational experiments. Finally, some concluding remarks and current directions of research are presented.


Dynamic VRP in pharmaceutical distribution-a case study

De Magalhaes, JM; De Sousa, JP;

Central European Journal of Operations Research

In recent years, the pharmaceutical sector has gone through deep changes, partially due to the ageing of the population and to the increasing of costs in health care services. With margins that are getting lower and lower, the drug distribution problem to pharmacies has become much more important, particularly in large metropolitan areas. As pharmacies demand shorter delivery times, vehicle routing and scheduling problems become harder for distributors. It is recognized that the traditional system based on fixed routes does not fulfil the expectations of pharmacies and may, in some cases, be quite inefficient for distributiors. In this work, a case study has been carried out and a change of the traditional approach is proposed, by adopting a system of variable routes that are dynamically designed, based on orders that are constantly arriving along the day. A dynamic algorithm is therefore proposed, meant to be run several times a day. It has four phases: first, a clustering of the orders is performed; second, potential routes are constructed; third, a route is selected for operation; and finally, that route is subject to an improvement process. The selection of the next route to be launched may be postponed in order to take advantage of subsequent information. The algorithm has been tested in the case study, by simulating one week of operation, and by comparing the results with the plan produced by the traditional way. © Springer-Verlag 2006.


A multi-criteria Decision Support System for the formation of collaborative networks of enterprises

Crispim, JA; Sousa, JP;

Collaborative Networks and Their Breeding Environments

In this paper we present a Decision Support System (DSS) to deal with the partner selection problem taking place in the formation or re-organization of a Virtual Enterprise (VE). This DSS is based on a multi-criteria model and handles several types of data (numerical, interval, linguistic and binary). This approach is used to facilitate the expression of the decision maker's preferences and assessments about the potential partners and can be performed individually or by group. The system also allows the assignment of a degree of confidence to each linguistic statement. the operation of the DSS is structured in two phases. In the first phase it determines the set of non-dominated alternatives (potential VEs) through the use of meta-heuristics. The second phase ranks the alternatives for a possible network of enterprises configuring the VE. This is achieved through a procedure based on linguistic analysis and distance measures.


Multiple perspective configuration of Virtual Enterprises using Social Actors Networks

Soares, AL; de Sousa, JP;


This paper proposes a first version of a conceptual framework based on Social Actors Networks (SAN) to support the process of creation and configuration of Networked and Virtual Enterprises (N/VE). The concept of SAN is explained and applied in the context of N/VE, highlighting the potential benefits in the analysis and specification of agent based information systems. This approach is partially being tested in a distributed Decision Support System, designed around a flexible and robust agent-based information system architecture.


Modeling the structure of collaborative networks: Some contributions

Soares, AL; de Sousa, JP; Barbedo, F;


Collaborative Networks (CN) and Virtual Organisations (VO) can partially be modelled by using Graph Theory, as a natural framework for describing relationships, interactions and collaboration. Our work aims at extending and integrating results from that theory and other different fields and scientific disciplines, to enable modelling complex and non tangible factors, dynamics, trade-offs between individual and common objectives, arising in the set-up and management of VO. As a way to handle these issues in a holistic way, we present extensions of Social Actors Networks that are able to encompass various, complementary perspectives in dealing with VO, and coping with the different phases of its life cycle. Current results seem promising in the direction of creating a sound frame work for modelling and supporting holistic process management in Collaborative Networks. For illustration purposes a simple case study is briefly sketched and some findings presented. Finally sortie open issues are surveyed and lines for future research identified.

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