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Publicações por CRAS


The secrets of segway revealed to students: Revisiting the inverted pendulum

Perdicoúlis, TPA; Dos Santos, PL;

13th APCA International Conference on Control and Soft Computing, CONTROLO 2018 - Proceedings

This article revisits the inverted pendulum-in particular, analyses a simplified model of a Segway, with a view to exploring its capabilities in Control Systems Engineering education. The integration between the theoretic and practical side is achieved through simulation, and in particular by using MathWorks software. We also present a structure for the work to be done in the Laboratory class and propose a solution for the problem. © 2018 IEEE.


Unmanned Maritime Systems for Search and Rescue

Matos, A; Silva, E; Almeida, J; Martins, A; Ferreira, H; Ferreira, B; Alves, J; Dias, A; Fioravanti, S; Bertin, D; Lobo, V;

Search and Rescue Robotics - From Theory to Practice



Cooperative Deep Water Seafloor Mapping with Heterogeneous Robotic Platforms

Cruz, N; Abreu, N; Almeida, J; Almeida, R; Alves, J; Dias, A; Ferreira, B; Ferreira, H; Gonçalves, C; Martins, A; Melo, J; Pinto, A; Pinto, V; Silva, A; Silva, H; Matos, A; Silva, E;


This paper describes the PISCES system, an integrated approach for fully autonomous mapping of large areas of the ocean in deep waters. A deep water AUV will use an acoustic navigation system to compute is position with bounded error. The range limitation will be overcome by a moving baseline scheme, with the acoustic sources installed in robotic surface vessels with previously combined trajectories. In order to save power, all systems will have synchronized clocks and implement the One Way Travel Time scheme. The mapping system will be a combination of an off-the-shelf MBES with a new long range bathymetry system, with a source on a moving surface vessel and the receivers on board the AUV. The system is being prepared to participate in round one of the XPRIZE challenge.


A lightweight docking station for a hovering AUV

Cruz, NA; Matos, AC; Almeida, RM; Ferreira, BM;

2017 IEEE OES International Symposium on Underwater Technology, UT 2017

The concept of underwater docking stations has long been proposed to support the long term deployment of AUVs, but the number of successful solutions is still very disappointing. Hovering type AUVs can navigate arbitrarily slow, simplifying the docking maneuver and the requirements for the receiving structure. This paper describes a docking system that was developed to extend the mission duration of the MARES AUV, a man portable hovering type AUV. Given the wide range of operational scenarios and configurations of this AUV, one of the design requirements was to have a simple modular structure, that could easily be reconfigured to support different vehicle configurations, deployment scenarios and docking maneuvers. The paper provides details of the mechanical aspects, the onboard electronic subsystems, and the general operational procedure, as well as preliminary data from the first trials. © 2017 IEEE.


Accounting for uncertainty in search operations using AUVs

Abreu, N; Cruz, N; Matos, A;

2017 IEEE OES International Symposium on Underwater Technology, UT 2017

Traditional coverage path planners create lawnmower-type paths in the operating area completely ignoring the uncertainty in the vehicle's position. However, in the presence of significant uncertainty in localization estimates, one can no longer guarantee that the vehicle will cover all the area according to plan. Aiming to bridge this gap, we present a coverage path planning technique for search operations which takes into account the vehicle's position and detection performance uncertainties and tries to minimize this uncertainty along the planned path. The objective is to plan paths, using a localization error model as input, to reduce as much uncertainty as possible and to minimize the extra path length (swath overlap) while satisfying mission feasibility constraints. We introduce an algorithm that calculates what will be the best moments for bringing the vehicle to surface to ensure a bounded position error. We also consider time and energy constraints that may influence the planned trajectory as path overlap is increased to account for uncertainty. Additionally we challenge the assumption frequently seen in coverage algorithms where two observations of the same target are considered independent. © 2017 IEEE.


Estimation of Currents with Acoustic Navigation Beacons

Melo, J; Cruz, N; Almeida, R;


In this article we introduce a method to estimate the water current in AUV operation scenarios. The method is based on reciprocal sound transmission between pairs of acoustic navigation beacons, with a minimum of three beacons being required to obtain an estimate of both current velocity and direction. We analyse the sensitivity of the current estimation with respect to the geometry of the beacon location. We demonstrate the applicability of the method with a case study.

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