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Publicações por CSE


Backward Compatible Object Detection Using HDR Image Content

Mukherjee, R; Melo, M; Filipe, V; Chalmers, A; Bessa, M;


Convolution Neural Network (CNN)-based object detection models have achieved unprecedented accuracy in challenging detection tasks. However, existing detection models (detection heads) trained on 8-bits/pixel/channel low dynamic range (LDR) images are unable to detect relevant objects under lighting conditions where a portion of the image is either under-exposed or over-exposed. Although this issue can be addressed by introducing High Dynamic Range (HDR) content and training existing detection heads on HDR content, there are several major challenges, such as the lack of real-life annotated HDR dataset(s) and extensive computational resources required for training and the hyper-parameter search. In this paper, we introduce an alternative backwards-compatible methodology to detect objects in challenging lighting conditions using existing CNN-based detection heads. This approach facilitates the use of HDR imaging without the immediate need for creating annotated HDR datasets and the associated expensive retraining procedure. The proposed approach uses HDR imaging to capture relevant details in high contrast scenarios. Subsequently, the scene dynamic range and wider colour gamut are compressed using HDR to LDR mapping techniques such that the salient highlight, shadow, and chroma details are preserved. The mapped LDR image can then be used by existing pre-trained models to extract relevant features required to detect objects in both the under-exposed and over-exposed regions of a scene. In addition, we also conduct an evaluation to study the feasibility of using existing HDR to LDR mapping techniques with existing detection heads trained on standard detection datasets such as PASCAL VOC and MSCOCO. Results show that the images obtained from the mapping techniques are suitable for object detection, and some of them can significantly outperform traditional LDR images.


ROSY: An elegant language to teach the pure reactive nature of robot programming

Pacheco, H; Macedo, N;

Fourth IEEE International Conference on Robotic Computing, IRC 2020, Taichung, Taiwan, November 9-11, 2020

Robotics is very appealing and is long recognized as a great way to teach programming, while drawing inspiring connections to other branches of engineering and science such as maths, physics or electronics. Although this symbiotic relationship between robotics and programming is perceived as largely beneficial, educational approaches often feel the need to hide the underlying complexity of the robotic system, but as a result fail to transmit the reactive essence of robot programming to the roboticists and programmers of the future. This paper presents ROSY, a novel language for teaching novice programmers through robotics. Its functional style is both familiar with a high-school algebra background and a materialization of the inherent reactive nature of robotic programming. Working at a higher-level of abstraction also teaches valuable design principles of decomposition of robotics software into collections of interacting controllers. Despite its simplicity, ROSY is completely valid Haskell code compatible with the ROS ecosystem. We make a convincing case for our language by demonstrating how non-trivial applications can be expressed with ease and clarity, exposing its sound functional programming foundations, and developing a web-enabled robot programming environment. © 2020 IEEE.


Spatiotemporal Phenomena Summarization through Static Visual Narratives

Marques, D; de Carvalho, AV; Rodrigues, R; Carneiro, E;


Information visualization commonly aids the understanding of the evolution of spatiotemporal phenomena. The current work proposes a novel approach to visually represent spatiotemporal phenomena based on the automated generation of static and interactive visual narratives that summarize the evolution of a spatiotemporal phenomenon. The visual narrative is composed of an interactive storyboard that consists of a set of frames that represent events of interest in the phenomenon. Towards corroborating the hypothesis that this approach would effectively and efficiently transmit the evolution of spatiotemporal phenomena, we conceptualized a visualization framework, identifying visual metaphors that map spatiotemporal transformations into visual content and defining the parameterization approaches for spatiotemporal features. We developed a functional prototype implementing the conceptual solution and presented issues encountered regarding visual clutter and parameterization. We conducted a user study based on a questionnaire which concluded that the proposed approach can be effective and efficient for understanding the evolution of these phenomena in terms of transformations for a subset of possible scenarios.


A Review of Pattern Languages for Software Documentation

Santos, J; Correia, FF;

EuroPLoP '20: European Conference on Pattern Languages of Programs 2020, Virtual Event, Germany, 1-4 July, 2020

Software documentation is an important part of the captured knowledge of a software project and documentation patterns have often been used as a systematic way to describe good practices on software documentation. Still, many software teams are challenged by what to document, how to keep the documentation consistent and how to make their consumers aware of the relevant documents. A literature review was done over 14 publications and identified 16 quality attributes and 114 patterns about software documentation. This knowledge was analysed and classified and led to the proposal of new categories and relationships between the existing patterns. These are depicted as a new pattern map that provides a new perspective of documentation patterns and can be used to guide teams in adopting software documentation practices. © 2020 Owner/Author.


Merging Cloned Alloy Models with Colorful Refactorings

Liu, C; Macedo, N; Cunha, A;

Formal Methods: Foundations and Applications - 23rd Brazilian Symposium, SBMF 2020, Ouro Preto, Brazil, November 25-27, 2020, Proceedings



alurity, a toolbox for robot cybersecurity

Vilches, VM; Fernández, IA; Pinzger, M; Rass, S; Dieber, B; Cunha, A; Rodríguez Lera, FJ; Lacava, G; Marotta, A; Martinelli, F; Uriarte, EG;



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