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Publicações por CSE


Local Observability and Controllability Analysis and Enforcement in Distributed Testing With Time Constraints

Lima, B; Faria, JP; Hierons, R;


Evermore end-to-end digital services depend on the proper interoperation of multiple products, forming a distributed system, often subject to timing requirements. To ensure interoperability and the timely behavior of such systems, it is important to conduct integration tests that verify the interactions with the environment and between the system components in key scenarios. The automation of such integration tests requires that test components are also distributed, with local testers deployed close to the system components, coordinated by a central tester. Test coordination in such a test architecture is a big challenge. To address it, in this article we propose an approach based on the pre-processing of the test scenarios. We first analyze the test scenarios in order to check if conformance errors can be detected locally (local observability) and test inputs can be decided locally (local controllability) by the local testers for the test scenario under consideration, without the need for exchanging coordination messages between the test components during test execution. If such properties do not hold, we next try to determine a minimum set of coordination messages or time constraints to be attached to the given test scenario to enforce those properties and effectively solve the test coordination problem with minimal overhead. The analysis and enforcement procedures were implemented in the DCO Analyzer tool for test scenarios described by means of UML sequence diagrams. Since many local observability and controllability problems may be caused by design flaws or incomplete specifications, and multiple ways may exist to enforce local observability and controllability, the tool was designed as a static analysis assistant to be used before test execution. DCO Analyzer was able to correctly identify local observability and controllability problems in real-world scenarios and help the users fix the detected problems.


Survey on Job Scheduling in Cloud-Fog Architecture

Barros, C; Rocio, V; Sousa, A; Paredes, H;


Application execution required in cloud and fog architectures are generally heterogeneous in terms of device and application contexts. Scaling these requirements on these architectures is an optimization problem with multiple restrictions. Despite countless efforts, task scheduling in these architectures continue to present some enticing challenges that lead us to question how tasks are routed between different physical devices, fog nodes and cloud. In fog, due to its density and heterogeneity of devices, the scheduling is very complex and, in the literature, there are still few studies that have been conducted. However, scheduling in the cloud has been widely studied. Nonetheless, many surveys address this issue from the perspective of service providers or optimize application quality of service (QoS) levels. Also, they ignore contextual information at the level of the device and end users and their user experiences. In this paper, we conducted a review of the literature on the main task scheduling algorithms in cloud and fog architecture; we studied and discussed their limitations, and we also explored and suggested some perspectives for improvement.


Automatic Grapevine Trunk Detection on UAV-Based Point Cloud

Jurado, JM; Padua, L; Feito, FR; Sousa, JJ;


The optimisation of vineyards management requires efficient and automated methods able to identify individual plants. In the last few years, Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs) have become one of the main sources of remote sensing information for Precision Viticulture (PV) applications. In fact, high resolution UAV-based imagery offers a unique capability for modelling plant's structure making possible the recognition of significant geometrical features in photogrammetric point clouds. Despite the proliferation of innovative technologies in viticulture, the identification of individual grapevines relies on image-based segmentation techniques. In that way, grapevine and non-grapevine features are separated and individual plants are estimated usually considering a fixed distance between them. In this study, an automatic method for grapevine trunk detection, using 3D point cloud data, is presented. The proposed method focuses on the recognition of key geometrical parameters to ensure the existence of every plant in the 3D model. The method was tested in different commercial vineyards and to push it to its limit a vineyard characterised by several missing plants along the vine rows, irregular distances between plants and occluded trunks by dense vegetation in some areas, was also used. The proposed method represents a disruption in relation to the state of the art, and is able to identify individual trunks, posts and missing plants based on the interpretation and analysis of a 3D point cloud. Moreover, a validation process was carried out allowing concluding that the method has a high performance, especially when it is applied to 3D point clouds generated in phases in which the leaves are not yet very dense (January to May). However, if correct flight parametrizations are set, the method remains effective throughout the entire vegetative cycle.


FOCAS: Penalising friendly citations to improve author ranking

Silva, J; Aparicio, D; Ribeiro, P; Silva, F;


Scientific impact is commonly associated with the number of citations received. However, an author can easily boost his own citation count by (i) publishing articles that cite his own previous work (self-citations), (ii) having co-authors citing his work (co-author citations), or (iii) exchanging citations with authors from other research groups (reciprocated citations). Even though these friendly citations inflate an author's perceived scientific impact, author ranking algorithms do not normally address them. They, at most, remove self-citations. Here we present Friends-Only Citations AnalySer (FOCAS), a method that identifies friendly citations and reduces their negative effect in author ranking algorithms. FOCAS combines the author citation network with the co-authorship network in order to measure author proximity and penalises citations between friendly authors. FOCAS is general and can be regarded as an independent module applied while running (any) PageRank-like author ranking algorithm. FOCAS can be tuned to use three different criteria, namely authors' distance, citation frequency, and citation recency, or combinations of these. We evaluate and compare FOCAS against eight state-of-the-art author ranking algorithms. We compare their rankings with a ground-truth of best paper awards. We test our hypothesis on a citation and co-authorship network comprised of seven Information Retrieval top-conferences. We observed that FOCAS improved author rankings by 25% on average and, in one case, leads to a gain of 46%.


The ProcessPAIR Method for Automated Software Process Performance Analysis

Raza, M; Faria, JP;


High-maturity software development processes and development environments with automated data collection can generate significant amounts of data that can be periodically analyzed to identify performance problems, determine their root causes, and devise improvement actions. However, conducting the analysis manually is challenging because of the potentially large amount of data to analyze, the effort and expertise required, and the lack of benchmarks for comparison. In this article, we present ProcessPAIR, a novel method with tool support designed to help developers analyze their performance data with higher quality and less effort. Based on performance models structured manually by process experts and calibrated automatically from the performance data of many process users, it automatically identifies and ranks performance problems and potential root causes of individual subjects, so that subsequent manual analysis for the identification of deeper causes and improvement actions can be appropriately focused. We also show how ProcessPAIR was successfully instantiated and used in software engineering education and training, helping students analyze their performance data with higher satisfaction (by 25%), better quality of analysis outcomes (by 7%), and lower effort (by 4%), as compared to a traditional approach (with reduced tool support).


Executing ARMv8 Loop Traces on Reconfigurable Accelerator via Binary Translation Framework

Paulino, N; Ferreira, JC; Bispo, J; Cardoso, JMP;


Performance and power efficiency in edge and embedded systems can benefit from specialized hardware. To avoid the effort of manual hardware design, we explore the generation of accelerator circuits from binary instruction traces for several Instruction Set Architectures.

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