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Publicações por CSE


Detection of anonymised traffic: Tor as case study

Dantas, B; Carvalho, P; Lima, SR; Silva, JMC;

Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics)

This work studies Tor, an anonymous overlay network used to browse the Internet. Apart from its main purpose, this open-source project has gained popularity mainly because it does not hide its implementation. In this way, researchers and security experts can fully examine and confirm its security requirements. Its ease of use has attracted all kinds of people, including ordinary citizens who want to avoid being profiled for targeted advertisements or circumvent censorship, corporations who do not want to reveal information to their competitors, and government intelligence agencies who need to do operations on the Internet without being noticed. In opposition, an anonymous system like this represents a good testbed for attackers, because their actions are naturally untraceable. In this work, the characteristics of Tor traffic are studied in detail in order to devise an inspection methodology able to improve Tor detection. In particular, this methodology considers as new inputs the observer position in the network, the portion of traffic it can monitor, and particularities of the Tor browser for helping in the detection process. In addition, a set of Snort rules were developed as a proof-of-concept for the proposed Tor detection approach. © Springer Nature Switzerland AG 2020.


Live software inspection and refactoring

Fernandes, S; Aguiar, A; Restivo, A;

CEUR Workshop Proceedings

With the increasing complexity of software systems, software developers would benefit from instant and continuous guidance about the system they are maintaining and evolving. Despite existing several solutions providing feedback and suggesting improvements, many tools require explicit invocation, leading to developers missing improvement opportunities, such as important refactorings, due to lost of train of thought. Therefore, to address these limitations, we propose an approach where developers receive instant and continuous feedback about their software systems. This guidance would include the detection of code smells and the suggestion of refactorings to improve the system, justified by relevant software quality metrics related to the recommendations. This research aims to improve the experience of developing and maintaining software systems by providing a live environment for continuous inspection and refactoring of software systems, that is informative, responsive, and tactically predictive, and thus helping developers to identify and solve quality problems in a quicker and better way.


A Survey and Classification of Software-Defined Storage Systems

Macedo, R; Paulo, J; Pereira, J; Bessani, A;


The exponential growth of digital information is imposing increasing scale and efficiency demands on modern storage infrastructures. As infrastructure complexity increases, so does the difficulty in ensuring quality of service, maintainability, and resource fairness, raising unprecedented performance, scalability, and programmability challenges. Software-Defined Storage (SDS) addresses these challenges by cleanly disentangling control and data flows, easing management, and improving control functionality of conventional storage systems. Despite its momentum in the research community, many aspects of the paradigm are still unclear, undefined, and unexplored, leading to misunderstandings that hamper the research and development of novel SDS technologies. In this article, we present an in-depth study of SDS systems, providing a thorough description and categorization of each plane of functionality. Further, we propose a taxonomy and classification of existing SDS solutions according to different criteria. Finally, we provide key insights about the paradigm and discuss potential future research directions for the field.


InDubio: A Combinator Library to Disambiguate Ambiguous Grammars

Macedo, JN; Saraiva, J;


To infer an abstract model from source code is one of the main tasks of most software quality analysis methods. Such abstract model is called Abstract Syntax Tree and the inference task is called parsing. A parser is usually generated from a grammar specification of a (programming) language and it converts source code of that language into said abstract tree representation. Then, several techniques traverse this tree to assess the quality of the code (for example by computing source code metrics), or by building new data structures (e.g, flow graphs) to perform further analysis (such as, code cloning, dead code, etc). Parsing is a well established technique. In recent years, however, modern languages are inherently ambiguous which can only be fully handled by ambiguous grammars. In this setting disambiguation rules, which are usually included as part of the grammar specification of the ambiguous language, need to be defined. This approach has a severe limitation: disambiguation rules are not first class citizens. Parser generators offer a small set of rules that can not be extended or changed. Thus, grammar writers are not able to manipulate nor define a new specific rule that the language he is considering requires. In this paper we present a tool, name InDubio, that consists of an extensible combinator library of disambiguation filters together with a generalized parser generator for ambiguous grammars. InDubio defines a set of basic disambiguation rules as abstract syntax tree filters that can be combined into more powerful rules. Moreover, the filters are independent of the parser generator and parsing technology, and consequently, they can be easily extended and manipulated. This paper presents InDubio in detail and also presents our first experimental results.


Cross-Sensor Quality Assurance for Marine Observatories

Diamant, R; Shachar, I; Makovsky, Y; Ferreira, BM; Cruz, NA;


Measuring and forecasting changes in coastal and deep-water ecosystems and climates requires sustained long-term measurements from marine observation systems. One of the key considerations in analyzing data from marine observatories is quality assurance (QA). The data acquired by these infrastructures accumulates into Giga and Terabytes per year, necessitating an accurate automatic identification of false samples. A particular challenge in the QA of oceanographic datasets is the avoidance of disqualification of data samples that, while appearing as outliers, actually represent real short-term phenomena, that are of importance. In this paper, we present a novel cross-sensor QA approach that validates the disqualification decision of a data sample from an examined dataset by comparing it to samples from related datasets. This group of related datasets is chosen so as to reflect upon the same oceanographic phenomena that enable some prediction of the examined dataset. In our approach, a disqualification is validated if the detected anomaly is present only in the examined dataset, but not in its related datasets. Results for a surface water temperature dataset recorded by our Texas A&M-Haifa Eastern Mediterranean Marine Observatory (THEMO)-over a period of 7 months, show an improved trade-off between accurate and false disqualification rates when compared to two standard benchmark schemes.


Experimenting with Liveness in Cloud Infrastructure Management

Lourenco, P; Dias, JP; Aguiar, A; Ferreira, HS; Restivo, A;


Cloud computing has been playing a significant role in the provisioning of services over the Internet since its birth. However, developers still face several challenges limiting its full potential. The difficulties are mostly due to the large, ever-growing, and ever-changing catalog of services offered by cloud providers. As a consequence, developers must deal with different cloud services in their systems; each managed almost individually and continually growing in complexity. This heterogeneity may limit the view developers have over their system architectures and make the task of managing these resources more complex. This work explores the use of liveness as a way to shorten the feedback loop between developers and their systems in an interactive and immersive way, as they develop and integrate cloud-based systems. The designed approach allows real-time visualization of cloud infrastructures using a visual city metaphor. To assert the viability of this approach, the authors conceived a proof-of-concept and carried on experiments with developers to assess its feasibility.

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