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Publicações por CRAS


Cattle Monitoring Blimp – An EPS@ISEP 2023 Project

Blommestijn, K; Dallongeville, K; Paulsen, M; Mamos, M; Gupta, S; Duarte, J; Malheiro, B; Ribeiro, C; Justo, J; Silva, F; Ferreira, P; Guedes, P;

Lecture Notes in Educational Technology

This paper describes the project based learning experience of a multidisciplinary and multicultural team of students enrolled in the spring of 2023 on the European Project Semester at the Instituto Superior de Engenharia do Porto (EPS@ISEP). Animo is an original blimp based concept that aims to help farmers better manage their livestock. Its development was motivated by the difficulty to effectively monitor cattle herds over vast areas, especially in remote locations where locating animals is challenging. This environmentally friendly solution offers real-time livestock monitoring without thermal engines. Real-time monitoring is achieved through the blimp’s extensive animal data collection. Farmers may discover and handle quickly herd welfare issues by accessing information via a user-friendly App. With an emphasis on accessibility and environmental sustainability, Animo seeks to increase agricultural productivity and profitability. The user controls the blimp motion through the app to obtain a comprehensive farm view. Targeting Australia’s large cattle stations, it aims to enhance productivity while minimising the environmental impact. © The Author(s), under exclusive license to Springer Nature Singapore Pte Ltd. 2024.


Smart Supermarket Cart – An EPS@ISEP 2023 Project

Orós, M; Robu, M; van Klaveren, H; Gajda, D; Van Dyck, J; Krings, T; Duarte, J; Malheiro, B; Ribeiro, C; Justo, J; Silva, F; Ferreira, P; Guedes, P;

Lecture Notes in Educational Technology

The technological revolution experienced over the last two decades, together with changes in shopping behaviour, has led supermarkets to consider smart shopping trolleys. Recently, several companies have tested and implemented smart services and devices, such as smart shopping carts with scanners, automatic payment methods, or self-payment locations, to maximise supermarket profits by reducing staff and improving the customer experience. In the spring of 2023, a team of six students enrolled in the European Project Semester at Instituto Superior de Engenharia do Porto (ISEP) proposed FESmarket, an innovative smart shopping cart solution. The user-centred design focused on making the shopping interaction and experience more efficient, comfortable, and satisfactory. Form (balancing aesthetics with innovation), function (selecting functionalities based on the most disruptive technologies), market (fulfilling the identified needs), sustainability (minimising the use of resources), and ethics (respecting human values) are the pillars of the project. FESmarket proposes a smart shopping trolley equipped a built-in touch screen for real-time information on products and their location, cameras for product identification, an audio assistance system, a refrigeration chamber, and a mobile app interface for the customer. Finally, a proof-of-concept prototype was assembled and tested to validate the viability of the designed solution. © The Author(s), under exclusive license to Springer Nature Singapore Pte Ltd. 2024.


Raising Awareness to Waste Collection and Recycling in Urban Spaces – An EPS@ISEP 2023 Project

Bohon, N; Durand, O; Emmelot, C; Hellemans, K; Jasny, L; Reisinger, K; Duarte, J; Malheiro, B; Ribeiro, C; Justo, J; Silva, F; Ferreira, P; Guedes, P;

Lecture Notes in Educational Technology

The European Project Semester (EPS) at Instituto Superior de Engenharia do Porto (ISEP) is a capstone engineering design programme in which students, organised in multidisciplinary and multicultural teams, develop a solution for a proposed problem, taking into account sustainability, ethical and market concerns. This paper describes a research project aimed at raising awareness and changing behaviour in relation to waste disposal, carried out by a team of EPS@ISEP students during spring 2023. BinIt, as the project is named, targets young adults who want to live in a cleaner city. Unlike other campaigns, it simplifies and stimulates proper waste disposal and recycling, tackling the root of the problem and creating a new social norm. BinIt includes a campaign, a web app and the Garbage Gladiator bin. The app consists of a city map where users can pin and check bin locations, and an educational platform with information on waste disposal and recycling issues. Gamification is incorporated through a ranking system. The Garbage Gladiator is a physical container for urban public spaces specially designed to encourage people to dispose of their waste correctly. © The Author(s), under exclusive license to Springer Nature Singapore Pte Ltd. 2024.


Online Detection and Infographic Explanation of Spam Reviews with Data Drift Adaptation

De Arriba-Pérez, F; García-Méndez, S; Leal, F; Malheiro, B; Burguillo, JC;


Spam reviews are a pervasive problem on online platforms due to its significant impact on reputation. However, research into spam detection in data streams is scarce. Another concern lies in their need for transparency. Consequently, this paper addresses those problems by proposing an online solution for identifying and explaining spam reviews, incorporating data drift adaptation. It integrates (i) incremental profiling, (ii) data drift detection & adaptation, and (iii) identification of spam reviews employing Machine Learning. The explainable mechanism displays a visual and textual prediction explanation in a dashboard. The best results obtained reached up to 87% spam F-measure.


Simulation, Modelling and Classification of Wiki Contributors: Spotting The Good, The Bad, and The Ugly

Méndez, SG; Leal, F; Malheiro, B; Burguillo Rial, JC; Veloso, B; Chis, AE; Vélez, HG;




Online detection and infographic explanation of spam reviews with data drift adaptation

Arriba Pérez, Fd; Méndez, SG; Leal, F; Malheiro, B; Burguillo, JC;



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