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Publicações por Alípio Jorge


Using Smartphones to Classify Urban Sounds

Gomes, EF; Batista, F; Jorge, AM;

Proceedings of the Ninth International C* Conference on Computer Science & Software Engineering, C3S2E '16, Porto, Portugal, July 20-22, 2016

The aim of this work is to develop an application for Android able to classifying urban sounds in a real life context. It also enables the collection and classification of new sounds. To train our classifier we use the UrbanSound8K data set available online. We have used a hybrid approach to obtain features, by combining SAX-based multiresolution motif discovery with Mel-Frequency Cepstral Coefficients (MFCC). We also describe different configurations of motif discovery for defining attributes and compare the use of Random Forest and SVM algorithms on this kind of data. Copyright 2016 ACM.


Using statistics, visualization and data mining for monitoring the quality of meta-data in web portals

Domingues, MA; Soares, C; Jorge, AM;


The goal of many web portals is to select, organize and distribute content in order to satisfy its users/customers. This process is usually based on meta-data that represent and describe content. In this paper we describe a methodology and a system to monitor the quality of the meta-data used to describe content in web portals. The methodology is based on the analysis of the meta-data using statistics, visualization and data mining tools. The methodology enables the site's editor to detect and correct problems in the description of contents, thus improving the quality of the web portal and the satisfaction of its users. We also define a general architecture for a system to support the proposed methodology. We have implemented this system and tested it on a Portuguese portal for management executives. The results validate the methodology proposed.


Preference rules for label ranking: Mining patterns in multi-target relations

de Sa, CR; Azevedo, P; Soares, C; Jorge, AM; Knobbe, A;


In this paper, we investigate two variants of association rules for preference data, Label Ranking Association Rules and Pairwise Association Rules. Label Ranking Association Rules (LRAR) are the equivalent of Class Association Rules (CAR) for the Label Ranking task. In CAR, the consequent is a single class, to which the example is expected to belong to. In LRAR, the consequent is a ranking of the labels. The generation of LRAR requires special support and confidence measures to assess the similarity of rankings. In this work, we carry out a sensitivity analysis of these similarity-based measures. We want to understand which datasets benefit more from such measures and which parameters have more influence in the accuracy of the model. Furthermore, we propose an alternative type of rules, the Pairwise Association Rules (PAR), which are defined as association rules with a set of pairwise preferences in the consequent. While PAR can be used both as descriptive and predictive models, they are essentially descriptive models. Experimental results show the potential of both approaches.


Using Metalearning for Parameter Tuning in Neural Networks

Felix, C; Soares, C; Jorge, A; Ferreira, H;


Neural networks have been applied as a machine learning tool in many different areas. Recently, they have gained increased attention with what is now called deep learning. Neural networks algorithms have several parameters that need to be tuned in order to maximize performance. The definition of these parameters can be a difficult, extensive and time consuming task, even for expert users. One approach that has been successfully used for algorithm and parameter selection is metalearning. Metalearning consists in using machine learning algorithm on (meta)data from machine learning experiments to map the characteristics of the data with the performance of the algorithms. In this paper we study how a metalearning approach can be used to obtain a good set of parameters to learn a neural network for a given new dataset. Our results indicate that with metalearning we can successfully learn classifiers from past learning tasks that are able to define appropriate parameters.


RUTICO: Recommending Successful Learning Paths Under Time Constraints

Nabizadeh, AH; Jorge, AM; Leal, JP;

Adjunct Publication of the 25th Conference on User Modeling, Adaptation and Personalization, UMAP 2017, Bratislava, Slovakia, July 09 - 12, 2017

Nowadays using E-learning platforms such as Intelligent Tutoring Systems (ITS) that support users to learn subjects are quite common. Despite the availability and the advantages of these systems, they ignore the learners' time limitation for learning a subject. In this paper we propose RUTICO, that recommends successful learning paths with respect to a learner's knowledge background and under a time constraint. RUTICO, which is an example of Long Term goal Recommender Systems (LTRS), locating a learner in the course graph, it utilizes a Depth-first search (DFS) algorithm to find all possible paths for a learner given a time restriction. RUTICO also estimates learning time and score for the paths and finally, it recommends a path with the maximum score that satisfies the learner time restriction. In order to evaluate the ability of RUTICO in estimating time and score for paths, we used the Mean Absolute Error and Error. Our results show that we are able to generate a learning path that maximizes a learner's score under a time restriction. © 2017 ACM.


Guest Editors introduction: special issue of the ECMLPKDD 2015 journal track

Bielza, C; Gama, J; Jorge, A; Zliobaite, I;



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