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Publicações por Álvaro Figueira


Twitter as a Source for Time- and Domain-Dependent Sentiment Lexicons

Guimaraes, N; Torgo, L; Figueira, A;


Sentiment lexicons are an essential component on most state-of-the-art sentiment analysis methods. However, the terms included are usually restricted to verbs and adjectives because they (1) usually have similar meanings among different domains and (2) are the main indicators of subjectivity in the text. This can lead to a problem in the classification of short informal texts since sometimes the absence of these types of parts of speech does not mean an absence of sentiment. Therefore, our hypothesis states that knowledge of terms regarding certain events and respective sentiment (public opinion) can improve the task of sentiment analysis. Consequently, to complement traditional sentiment dictionaries, we present a system for lexicon expansion that extracts the most relevant terms from news and assesses their positive or negative score through Twitter. Preliminary results on a labelled dataset show that our complementary lexicons increase the performance of three state-of-the-art sentiment systems, therefore proving the effectiveness of our approach.


An architecture for a continuous and exploratory analysis on social media

Cunha, D; Guimarães, N; Figueira, A;

Proceedings of the International Conferences on Computer Graphics, Visualization, Computer Vision and Image Processing 2017 and Big Data Analytics, Data Mining and Computational Intelligence 2017 - Part of the Multi Conference on Computer Science and Information Systems 2017

Social networks as Facebook and Twitter gained a remarkable attention in the last decade. A huge amount of data is emerging and posted everyday by users that are becoming more interested in and relying on social network for information, news and opinions. Real time posting came to rise and turned easier to report news and events. However, due to its dimensions, in this work we focus on building a system architecture capable of detecting journalistic relevance of posts automatically on this 'haystack' full of data. More specifically, users will have the change to interact with a 'friendly user interface' which will provide several tools to analyze data. © 2017.



Figueira, A;


Group work is an essential activity during both graduate and undergraduate formation. During group work Students develop a set of skills, and employ criticism which helps them to better handle future interpersonal situations. Although there is a vast theoretical literature and numerous case studies about group work, we haven't yet seen much development concerning the assessment of individual group participants. The problem relies on the difficulty to have the perception of each student contribution to the whole work. Nevertheless, more than frequently, the assessment of the group is transposed to each group participant, which in turn results in each student having the same final mark. We propose and describe a novel tool to manage and assess individual group work taking into account the amount of work, interaction, quality, and the temporal evolution of each group participant. The module features the possibility to predict the final activity grading, based on the interaction patterns and automatic comparison with former interaction patterns. We describe the conceptual design of our tool and present its two operating modes of the module. We then describe the methodology for the assessment in the two operating modes and how the tool collects data from interactions to predict final grading.


Contributions to the Detection of Unreliable Twitter Accounts through Analysis of Content and Behaviour

Guimarães, N; Figueira, A; Torgo, L;

Proceedings of the 10th International Joint Conference on Knowledge Discovery, Knowledge Engineering and Knowledge Management, IC3K 2018, Volume 1: KDIR, Seville, Spain, September 18-20, 2018.

Misinformation propagation on social media has been significantly growing, reaching a major exposition in the 2016 United States Presidential Election. Since then, the scientific community and major tech companies have been working on the problem to avoid the propagation of misinformation. For this matter, research has been focused on three major sub-fields: the identification of fake news through the analysis of unreliable posts, the propagation patterns of posts in social media, and the detection of bots and spammers. However, few works have tried to identify the characteristics of a post that shares unreliable content and the associated behaviour of its account. This work presents four main contributions for this problem. First, we provide a methodology to build a large knowledge database with tweets who disseminate misinformation links. Then, we answer research questions on the data with the goal of bridging these problems to similar problem explored in the literature. Next, we focus on accounts which are constantly propagating misinformation links. Finally, based on the analysis conducted, we develop a model to detect social media accounts that spread unreliable content. Using Decision Trees, we achieved 96% in the F1-score metric, which provides reliability on our approach. Copyright 2018 by SCITEPRESS – Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved


Current State of the Art to Detect Fake News in Social Media: Global Trendings and Next Challenges

Figueira, A; Guimarães, N; Torgo, L;

Proceedings of the 14th International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies, WEBIST 2018, Seville, Spain, September 18-20, 2018.

Nowadays, false news can be created and disseminated easily through the many social media platforms, resulting in a widespread real-world impact. Modeling and characterizing how false information proliferates on social platforms and why it succeeds in deceiving readers are critical to develop efficient algorithms and tools for their early detection. A recent surge of researching in this area has aimed to address the key issues using methods based on machine learning, deep learning, feature engineering, graph mining, image and video analysis, together with newly created data sets and web services to identify deceiving content. Majority of the research has been targeting fake reviews, biased messages, and against-facts information (false news and hoaxes). In this work, we present a survey on the state of the art concerning types of fake news and the solutions that are being proposed. We focus our survey on content analysis, network propagation, fact-checking and fake news analysis and emerging detection systems. We also discuss the rationale behind successfully deceiving readers. Finally, we highlight important challenges that these solutions bring. Copyright


Uncovering Social Media Content Strategies for Worldwide Top-Ranked Universities

Figueira, A;

CENTERIS 2018 - International Conference on ENTERprise Information Systems / ProjMAN 2018 - International Conference on Project MANagement / HCist 2018 - International Conference on Health and Social Care Information Systems and Technologies 2018, Lisbon, Portugal

As organizations are entering social media, determining their current strategy will allow to combine monitoring and benchmarking methods to foster the identification of opportunities and threats, which can serve as inputs for the evaluation of social media strategies' and eventual readjustments, and a subsequent efficiency measurement. Higher Educational Institutions (HEI) are not different from other organizations in which concerns these problems. To address these challenges, we propose an automatic procedure to assess the posting behavior and strategy identification for each higher educational institution. We used a sample of the 10-top worldwide ranked educational institutions in this study and collected the posts from their official Facebook pages during an entire school year. Our study was conducted on the frequency and intensity of publications by universities, which included an analysis of the number of responses to 'posts' over time in the form of 'shares'. Finally, the content of the posts was analyzed according to the topics covered in the messages. This process allowed us to identify the editorial areas that each university uses the most and in which are more active. © 2018 The Authors. Published by Elsevier Ltd..

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