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Publicações por José Machado da Silva


Design for Calibratability of a N-Integer Low-Frequency Phase-Locked Loop

Teixeira, RM; da Silva, JM;


Process variations in MOS manufacturing processes tend to increase within each new technology node, leading to lower production yields, particularly those of analogue circuits, which are also sensitive to external perturbations that might force there performance to drift beyond there admissible tolerance margins. This issue is addressed here with the design of a calibratable N-Integer phase-locked loop (PLL) based frequency synthesizer. In the approach being proposed, a statistical analysis is carried out to know the sensitivity of the PLL performance to expected process, temperature, and voltage variations. A training data set is then identified and used to define the calibration law and the required calibration algorithm. Simulation results are presented that confirm its validity.


A precise low power and hardware-efficient time synchronization method for wearable systems

Derogarian, F; Ferreira, JC; Tavares, VG; Da Silva, JM; Velez, FJ;

Wearable Technologies and Wireless Body Sensor Networks for Healthcare

This chapter presents a one-way method for synchronization at the media access control (MAC) layer of nodes and a circuit based on that in a wearable sensor network. The proposed approach minimizes the time skew with an accuracy of half of clock cycle in average. The work is intended to be used in a router integrated circuit (IC) designed for wearable systems. In particular, we address the need for good time synchronization in the simultaneous acquisition of surface electromyographic signals of several muscles. In our main application case, the electrodes are embedded in patient clothes connected to sensor nodes (SNs) equipped with analog-to-digital converters. The SNs are connected together in a network using conducting yarns embedded in the clothes. In the context of such wearable sensor networks, the main contributions of this work are the evaluation of existing protocols for synchronization, the description of a simpler, resource-efficient synchronization protocol, and its analysis, including the determination of the average local and global clock skew and of the synchronization probability in the presence of link failures. Both theoretical analysis and experimental results, in wired wearable networks, show that the proposed protocol has a better performance than precision time protocol (PTP), a standard timing protocol for both single and multihop situations. The proposed approach is simpler, requires no calculations, and exchanges fewer messages. Experimental results obtained with an implementation of the protocol in 0.35 µm complementary metal oxide semiconductor (CMOS) technology show that this approach keeps the one-hop average clock skew around 4.6 ns and peak-to-peak skew around 50 ns for a system clock frequency of 20 MHz. © The Institution of Engineering and Technology 2017.


A reliable wearable system for BAN applications with a high number of sensors and high data rate

Derogarian, F; Ferreira, JC; Tavares, VG; Silva, JM; Velez, FJ;

Wearable Technologies and Wireless Body Sensor Networks for Healthcare

This chapter addresses a wearable body area network (BAN) system for both medical and nonmedical applications, especially those including a large number of sensors at BAN scale (<250), embedded in textile and with high data rate (<9+9 MHz) communication demands. The overall system includes an on-body central processing module (CPM) connected to a computer via a wireless link and a wearable sensor network. Due to the fixed location of the sensors and the possibility of using conductive yarns in textiles, a wired network has been considered for the wearable components. Employing conductive yarns instead of using wireless links provides a more reliable communication, higher data rates and throughput, and less power consumption. The wearable unit is composed of two types of circuits, the sensor nodes (SNs) and a base station (BS), all connected to each other with conductive yarns forming a mesh topology with the base node at the center. The reliability analysis shows that communication in a multi-hop connection of sensors in mesh topology is more reliable than in the conventional star topology. From the standpoint of the network, each SN is a four port router capable of handling packets from destination nodes to the BS. The end-to-end communication uses packet switching for packet delivery from SNs to the BS or in the reverse direction, or between SNs. The communication module has been implemented in a low power field programmable gate arrays (FPGA) and a microcontroller. The maximum data rate of the system is 9+9 Mbps while supporting tens of sensors, which is much more than current BAN applications need. The suitability of the proposed system for utilization in real applications has been demonstrated experimentally. © The Institution of Engineering and Technology 2017.


Literature on Wearable Technology for Connected Health: Scoping Review of Research Trends, Advances, and Barriers

Loncar Turukalo, T; Zdravevski, E; da Silva, JM; Chouvarda, I; Trajkovik, V;


Background: Wearable sensing and information and communication technologies are key enablers driving the transformation of health care delivery toward a new model of connected health (CH) care. The advances in wearable technologies in the last decade are evidenced in a plethora of original articles, patent documentation, and focused systematic reviews. Although technological innovations continuously respond to emerging challenges and technology availability further supports the evolution of CH solutions, the widespread adoption of wearables remains hindered. Objective: This study aimed to scope the scientific literature in the field of pervasive wearable health monitoring in the time interval from January 2010 to February 2019 with respect to four important pillars: technology, safety and security, prescriptive insight, and user-related concerns. The purpose of this study was multifold: identification of (1) trends and milestones that have driven research in wearable technology in the last decade, (2) concerns and barriers from technology and user perspective, and (3) trends in the research literature addressing these issues. Methods: This study followed the scoping review methodology to identify and process the available literature. As the scope surpasses the possibilities of manual search, we relied on the natural language processing tool kit to ensure an efficient and exhaustive search of the literature corpus in three large digital libraries: Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, PubMed, and Springer. The search was based on the keywords and properties to be found in articles using the search engines of the digital libraries. Results: The annual number of publications in all segments of research on wearable technology shows an increasing trend from 2010 to February 2019. The technology-related topics dominated in the number of contributions, followed by research on information delivery, safety, and security, whereas user-related concerns were the topic least addressed. The literature corpus evidences milestones in sensor technology (miniaturization and placement), communication architectures and fifth generation (5G) cellular network technology, data analytics, and evolution of cloud and edge computing architectures. The research lag in battery technology makes energy efficiency a relevant consideration in the design of both sensors and network architectures with computational offloading. The most addressed user-related concerns were (technology) acceptance and privacy, whereas research gaps indicate that more efforts should be invested into formalizing clear use cases with timely and valuable feedback and prescriptive recommendations. Conclusions: This study confirms that applications of wearable technology in the CH domain are becoming mature and established as a scientific domain The current research should bring progress to sustainable delivery of valuable recommendations, enforcement of privacy by design, energy-efficient pervasive sensing, seamless monitoring, and low-latency 5G communications. To complement technology achievements, future work involving all stakeholders providing research evidence on improved care pathways and cost-effectiveness of the CH model is needed.


An Alternative SNR Computation Method for ADC Testing

da Silva, JM; Alves, JC;


An alternative approach to compute the signal to noise ratio of analogue to digital converters based on the computation of the cross-correlation coefficient of the captured response is proposed here. It is shown, after simulation and experimental results, that this approach allows obtaining good accuracy results with the added advantages of not requiring coherent sampling and high purity sine wave stimuli.


Biot-Granier Sensor: A Novel Strategy to Measuring Sap Flow in Trees

Siqueira, JM; Paco, TA; da Silva, JM; Silvestre, JC;


The Biot-Granier (Gbt) is a new thermal dissipation-based sap flow measurement methodology, comprising sensors, data management and automatic data processing. It relies on the conventional Granier (Gcv) methodology upgraded with a modified Granier sensor set, as well as on an algorithm to measure the absolute temperatures in the two observation points and perform the Biot number approach. The work described herein addresses the construction details of the Gbt sensors and the characterization of the overall performance of the Gbt method after comparison with a commercial sap flow sensor and independent data (i.e., volumetric water content, vapor pressure deficit and eddy covariance technique). Its performance was evaluated in three trials: potted olive trees in a greenhouse and two vineyards. The trial with olive trees in a greenhouse showed that the transpiration measures provided by the Gbt sensors showed better agreement with the gravimetric approach, compared to those provided by the Gcv sensors. These tended to overestimate sap flow rates as much as 4 times, while Gbt sensors overestimated gravimetric values 1.5 times. The adjustments based on the Biot equations obtained with Gbt sensors contribute to reduce the overestimates yielded by the conventional approach. On the other hand, the heating capacity of the Gbt sensor provided a minimum of around 7 degrees C and maximum about 9 degrees C, contrasting with a minimum around 6 degrees C and a maximum of 12 degrees C given by the Gcv sensors. The positioning of the temperature sensor on the tip of the sap flow needle proposed in the Gbt sensors, closer to the sap measurement spot, allow to capture sap induced temperature variations more accurately. This explains the higher resolution and sensitivity of the Gbt sensor. Overall, the alternative Biot approach showed a significant improvement in sap flow estimations, contributing to adjust the Granier sap flow index, a vulnerability of that methodology.

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