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A Survey of Seafloor Characterization and Mapping Techniques

Loureiro, G; Dias, A; Almeida, J; Martins, A; Hong, SP; Silva, E;


The deep seabed is composed of heterogeneous ecosystems, containing diverse habitats for marine life. Consequently, understanding the geological and ecological characteristics of the seabed's features is a key step for many applications. The majority of approaches commonly use optical and acoustic sensors to address these tasks; however, each sensor has limitations associated with the underwater environment. This paper presents a survey of the main techniques and trends related to seabed characterization, highlighting approaches in three tasks: classification, detection, and segmentation. The bibliography is categorized into four approaches: statistics-based, classical machine learning, deep learning, and object-based image analysis. The differences between the techniques are presented, and the main challenges for deep sea research and potential directions of study are outlined.


The moderator effect of balance of power on the relationships between the adoption of digital technologies in supply chain management processes and innovation performance in SMEs

Zimmermann, R; Soares, A; Roca, JB;


Managing supply chain (SC) relationships to deal with challenges posed by contemporary social and business environments is a difficult task that can be facilitated with the use of digital technologies. The growing complexity of supply chains, characterized by over-dependencies on geographically dispersed partners across different regions, increases risks related to managing these relationships and highlights the importance of collaboration and balancing the power dynamics between SC partners. Previous studies have shown that small and medium enterprises (SMEs) can be considered the weakest link in terms of digitization and balance of power. This article aims to analyse how buyer-seller power relations moderate the relationship between the adoption of digital technologies in supply chain management (SCM) processes and innovation performance in the context of SMEs. Data were collected from manufacturing SMEs operating in Portugal. The results support the assumption that the use of digital technologies in processes related to SCM has a positive effect on SMEs innovation performance. The results also suggest that non-mediated power and reward-mediated positively moderate the relationship between the adoption of digital technologies and innovation performance, while the impact of coercive-mediated power was not confirmed. The article contributes to theory and practice by advancing the literature and guiding managers in the challenging task of carrying out digital transformation initiatives, considering their relationship with the power dynamics in the complex context of SMEs.


A configurational perspective for the generalisation of healthcare innovations: The case of a new screening programme

Rodrigues, JC; Barros, AC; Claro, J;


This paper analyses the process of generalisation of an innovative government-led public practice in the healthcare sector. The scaling and embedding involved in this generalisation process are assumed to be dependent on the multiple implementation processes (consecutive or simultaneous) that lead to a routine use of the innovation in different adopters. This paper, therefore, proposes the use of a configurational theory approach to conceptualise each implementation of the innovation during the generalisation process and shed light on the generalisation's scaling and embedding efforts. It suggests a set of recommendations and practices for generalisation managers, most notably: i) they should regard generalisations as organic processes where their main role is to create space for experimentation, learning and negotiation, and ii) they should adopt different modes of governance to identify adequate mechanisms and strategies and guide their actions. This configurational perspective allows them to monitor and manage the evolution of implementations, informs the valuable learning processes that take place in a generalisation and has been found to be a useful tool to support the crucial collaboration among the actors involved in a generalisation.


Integrating Multi-Access Edge Computing (MEC) into Open 5G Core

Xavier, R; Silva, RS; Ribeiro, M; Moreira, W; Freitas, L; Oliveira, A Jr;


Multi-Access Edge Computing (MEC) represents the central concept that enables the creation of new applications and services that bring the benefits of edge computing to networks and users. By implementing applications and services at the edge, close to users and their devices, it becomes possible to take advantage of extremely low latency, substantial bandwidth, and optimized resource usage. However, enabling this approach requires careful integration between the MEC framework and the open 5G core. This work is dedicated to designing a new service that extends the functionality of the Multi-Access Traffic Steering (MTS) API, acting as a strategic bridge between the realms of MEC and the 5G core. To accomplish this objective, we utilize free5GC (open-source project for 5G core) as our 5G core, deployed on the Kubernetes cluster. The proposed service is validated using this framework, involving scenarios of high user density. To conclude whether the discussed solution is valid, KPIs of 5G MEC applications described in the scientific community were sought to use as a comparison parameter. The results indicate that the service effectively addresses the described issues while demonstrating its feasibility in various use cases such as e-Health, Paramedic Support, Smart Home, and Smart Farms.


Inventory Strategies for Optimizing Resiliency and Sustainability in Pharmaceutical Supply Chains – A Simulation-Optimization Approach

Marques C.M.; Silva A.C.; de Sousa J.P.;

Computer Aided Chemical Engineering

In this work a hybrid simulation-optimization approach is presented to support decision-making towards improved resiliency and sustainability in pharmaceutical supply chain (PSC) operations. In a first step, a simulation model is used to assess the PSC performance under a set of disruptive scenarios to select the best inventory-based strategy for enhanced resiliency. Disruptions addressed in this work are mainly related to unpredicted medium-term production stoppages due to unexpected high-impact events such as accidents in production and transportation, or natural disasters. In a second step, a multi-objective mixed integer linear programming (MO-MILP) model is developed to optimize the selected inventory-based strategy regarding the economic, social, and environmental dimensions. In particular, the social and environmental aspects are introduced by anticipating the expected waste generation of close to expire medicines, redirecting them into a donation scheme. The proposed approach is applied to a representative PSC, with preliminary results showing the relevance of this tool for decision-makers to assess the trade-offs associated to the economic and social dimensions, as well as their impacts on waste generation.


Federated Learning in Medical Image Analysis: A Systematic Survey

da Silva, FR; Camacho, R; Tavares, JMRS;


Medical image analysis is crucial for the efficient diagnosis of many diseases. Typically, hospitals maintain vast repositories of images, which can be leveraged for various purposes, including research. However, access to such image collections is largely restricted to safeguard the privacy of the individuals whose images are being stored, as data protection concerns come into play. Recently, the development of solutions for Automated Medical Image Analysis has gained significant attention, with Deep Learning being one solution that has achieved remarkable results in this area. One promising approach for medical image analysis is Federated Learning (FL), which enables the use of a set of physically distributed data repositories, usually known as nodes, satisfying the restriction that the data do not leave the repository. Under these conditions, FL can build high-quality, accurate deep-learning models using a lot of available data wherever it is. Therefore, FL can help researchers and clinicians diagnose diseases and support medical decisions more efficiently and robustly. This article provides a systematic survey of FL in medical image analysis, specifically based on Magnetic Resonance Imaging, Computed Tomography, X-radiography, and histology images. Hence, it discusses applications, contributions, limitations, and challenges and is, therefore, suitable for those who want to understand how FL can contribute to the medical imaging domain.

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