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Research Opportunities
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Research Opportunities

Computer Engineering; Information Systems

Work description

- Study and understanding of current artefacts to support project management through participation in an ongoing consultancy project (to be started); - Systematisation of good practices through the creation of processes; - Specification of an approach for digitising the good practices systematised in the previous point; - Development of digital services to support the good practices studied in the previous points; - Developing mechanisms for monitoring and controlling project management processes, as well as mechanisms for controlling changes and the evolution of project management processes.

Academic Qualifications

- First-time enrolment in a 1st cycle of higher education - Attending a degree in Computer Engineering or similar.

Minimum profile required

- Have passed the curricular units of the cycle of studies you are attending, in the scientific area of Information Systems and Software Engineering.

Preference factors

- Knowledge of software development and project management.

Application Period

Since 27 Feb 2025 to 12 Mar 2025


Enterprise Systems Engineering

Scientific Advisor

Carla Pereira