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Research Opportunities
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Research Opportunities

Computer Science


Work description

The Device as a Service (DaaS) is already a reality from an economics standpoint but has yet to become a well know paradigm in the scientific and academic communities. A single reference was found in literature that conceptualizes a DaaS service largely similar to the one envisioned. Even though their work considers device abstraction and home network management and access control, capabilities for international deployment with high assurances of integrity, immutability and reliability, achieved with the use of blockchain technologies, aren't even considered. When considering blockchain-assisted access control mechanisms, multiple solutions can be found in academic literature, but these ignore the concept of device ownership, not considering that the owner of the used device may be a distinct entity from the device user. For instance, the use of NFT as a digital representation of a service agreement that allows a person to use a specific device is novel. Moreover, if one considers that device authorization of use can change over time, such can be mapped to transference of NFT ownership. In other words, one could buy, or trade, a NFT that would authorize a user to use a specific device.

Academic Qualifications

Degree in Computer Science, Informatics or similar.

Minimum profile required

Knowledge of programming and software development

Preference factors

Knowledge of Web3 and smart contracts.

Application Period

Since 19 Oct 2023 to 02 Nov 2023



Advanced Computing Systems

Scientific Advisor

António Pinto