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Research Opportunities
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Research Opportunities

Computer Science

Work description

- specify and implement a WebSocket API, for server-client communication, for a large number of devices integrated into clothing, enabling the exchange of information between the devices and a central server; - specify, prototype and implement a data collection, processing and harmonization service; - carry out usability tests on the software components; - write the grant activity report.

Academic Qualifications

- Degree in Computer Science or similar; - Student/attendee on a Master's Degree in Computer Science or similar;

Minimum profile required

- specialised education in Data Science, Data Mining or a related area;- experience with databases, such as SQL;- knowledge of the Python programming language;- experience in UML design tools, such as

Preference factors

- experience in web technologies (HTML, CSS and Javascript); - knowledge of the C++ programming language; - knowledge of the Java programming language; - proficiency in English, both written and spoken.

Application Period

Since 26 Sep 2024 to 10 Oct 2024


Human-Centered Computing and Information Science

Scientific Advisor

Rui Jorge Ramos