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Research Opportunities
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Research Opportunities

Computer Science


Work description

Advanced User Support (Level 3) - The core function will involve providing specialized technical assistance, prioritizing code optimization, and resolving performance bottlenecks, as well as adapting and optimizing applications for specific architectures, with the aim of achieving notable improvements in operational efficiency, User Training Support - Responsibilities will include developing comprehensive educational materials and coordination of practical sessions, with the main objective being to train users in the use of machine and deep learning frameworks, promoting autonomy and deepening knowledge. Communication and Dissemination Support - The central function will be to establish transparent communication channels between the support team and users, helping to actively disseminate results, achievements, and available resources, which will be essential to promote the visibility of the project, encouraging active community participation.

Academic Qualifications

MSc in Biomedical Engineering, Computer Science, Informatics, Physics.

Minimum profile required

-Proven competence and experience in the development of machine and deep learning models;-Experience in developing deep learning models in HPC environments;-Experience in developing distributed deep learning and federated learning models;-Knowledge of supercomputer architectures, including x86 and ARM processors, GPUs, and interconnection topologies;-Practical experience in Linux systems, HPC environments, and SLURM submission systems;-Proficiency in written and oral communication in Portuguese and English.

Preference factors

-Knowledge of and experience with pytorch, tensorflow, and nvidia flare learning frameworks; -Experience in using MLOPS tools such as MLFlow and TensorBoard; -Experience in writing technical and scientific documentation.

Application Period

Since 21 Nov 2024 to 04 Dec 2024



High-Assurance Software

Scientific Advisor

António Luís Sousa