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Research Opportunities
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Research Opportunities

Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence

Work description

- prepare the requirements specification for a software module that allows the use of large language models (Large Language Model); - fine-tuning pre-trained large language models (LLMs); - containerization and availability of trained models; - implementing the software module; - write the grant activity report.

Academic Qualifications

Degree in Artificial Intelligence and Data Science or similar

Minimum profile required

- experience in the use of Large Language Models, from a development point of view;- proven experience in fine-tuning large-scale language models;- proven experience in software development using the Python programming language;- experience in remote environment development and version control tools and methodologies

Preference factors

- experience incorporating large language models such as Llama, Gemini and Phi into software development pipelines; - experience with the Xtuner fine-tuning tool. - experience in quantitative and qualitative evaluation methodologies for large language models. - experience in containerization technologies. - good performance in programming courses and the development of artificial intelligence algorithms.

Application Period

Since 22 Aug 2024 to 05 Sep 2024


Human-Centered Computing and Information Science

Scientific Advisor

Nelson Bilber Rodrigues