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Research Opportunities
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Research Opportunities

Computer security


Work description

The work consists of providing specialized support in the area of computer security to INESC TEC's research centers and partner companies. Some of the main activities include: - Acting in the diagnosis and guidance of companies in the area of computer security based on international standards and good practice guidelines; - Collaborating with INESC TEC's research centers to define and implement mechanisms for monitoring and correcting vulnerabilities in solutions developed within the scope of research and innovation activities; - Produce periodic information security monitoring reports in relevant areas of INESC TEC's and its partners' activities; - Support INESC TEC teams in defining and implementing cybersecurity policies linked to research and innovation activities; - Support the transfer of technology from state-of-the-art science to industry.

Academic Qualifications

- BSc or MSc degree in Computer Engineering or related areas.

Minimum profile required

- Proven professional or academic experience in the field of cybersecurity;- Knowledge of the leading international cybersecurity standards and legislation;- Oral and verbal fluency in Portuguese and English;- Availability for presential work at the INESC TEC Centre in Braga-Portugal.

Preference factors

- MSc or PhD in computer security or related areas; - Experience in the areas of Digital Identity, Operational Technologies Infrastructures, or Cloud Computing and Storage; - Certification in cybersecurity.

Application Period

Since 12 Sep 2024 to 25 Sep 2024



High-Assurance Software

Scientific Advisor

João Marco