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Research Opportunities
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Research Opportunities

Computer Vision on Medical Imaging


Work description

The THOR project (Computer Aided Thoracic Assessment using POCUS) has the main objective of producing a proof of concept of a computer vision prototype for the diagnosis and evaluation of COVID-19 using POCUS. The work plan associated with this grant focuses on the research and development of innovative computer vision algorithms, aligned with the objective of improving clinical parameter extraction on cardiac POCUS.

Academic Qualifications

Bachelor or Masters Degree

Minimum profile required

- Bachelor or Masters Degree in Biomedical Engineering, Informatics Engineering, Computer Science, or related;- Bachelor/Masters grade point average equal to or greater than 16/20;- Experience in deep learning applications- Experience in computer vision in medical imaging applications

Application Period

Since 09 Sep 2024 to 20 Sep 2024



Biomedical Engineering Research

Scientific Advisor

João Manuel Pedrosa