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Research Opportunities
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Research Opportunities

Distributed Systems


Work description

- Identify the methodologies, reference architectures and prototypes currently in use within the concept of data spaces; - Deployment of operational tests with several data space reference implementations available and available data apps, particularly in EDC’s reference implementation; - Design of a customizable data plane for processing of several data classes; - Explore deployment mechanisms and options to fully automate the deployment and management of the data space components, including Kubernetes, Ansible or other; - Write a report with the results of the work done in the context of this grant.

Academic Qualifications

Currently enrolled in a MSc programme in Computer Engineering.

Minimum profile required

- Starting Knowledge in Distributed Systems;- Knowledge and use of database systems (relational, NoSQL);- Starting knowledge with the data spaces concept (interoperability connectors);- Fluency in English and Portuguese (spoken and written).

Preference factors

- Knowledge Docker, Kubernetes and Ansible; - Experience of the EDC data space reference implementation; - Experience with RESTFull interfaces and web development.

Application Period

Since 30 Jan 2025 to 12 Feb 2025



High-Assurance Software

Scientific Advisor

Fábio André Coelho