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Research Opportunities
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Research Opportunities

Efficiency and Effectiveness in educational systems


Work description

- Contextualisation of the panorama of education systems in the European Union, considering the objectives of the European Union's Education and Training Strategy (ET2020), with emphasis on the Portuguese case; - Prepare a literature review on evaluating efficiency, effectiveness and equity in the education sector and identify the main challenges facing education in the age of artificial intelligence; - Understanding the methods that can be used to analyse efficiency, effectiveness and equity; - Understanding the type of data available to the education analyst: data from the international surveys PISA, carried out by the OECD (Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development), TIMSS and PIRLS, carried out by the IEA (International Association for the Evaluation of Educational Achievement) and TALIS (Teaching and Learning International Survey) of the OECD. - Draw up analyses of the efficiency and/or effectiveness and/or equity of European education systems by proposing innovative quantitative measures. Analyses can be carried out at various levels, including primary/secondary schools, universities, and education systems in European countries or regions; - The research work should be published in scientific journals, preferably indexed in the Scopus and Web of Science databases. - Prepare a report on the grant's activities.

Academic Qualifications

Master's degree in Industrial Engineering and Management or a related area;

Minimum profile required

- Master's degree average grade equal to or higher than 16.

Preference factors

E- research experience in methods for efficiency analysis and productivity.

Application Period

Since 06 Oct 2023 to 21 Oct 2023



Industrial Engineering and Management

Scientific Advisor

Ana Camanho