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Research Opportunities
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Research Opportunities

Electrical and Computer Engineering - Industrial Electronics


Work description

- collaborate in the study and preparation of the report on comparative studies of active AC/DC rectifier solutions; - participate in the identification of the power architecture used in the green hydrogen production pilot; - study of harmonic pollution assessment and participation in field work to collect measurements; - collaborate in writing the report dedicated to assessing the harmonic pollution generated by the pilot electrolyzer's power supply system; - prepare and colaborate in producing recommendations for mitigating harmonics injected into the industrial power grid. - Write the grant activity report.

Minimum profile required

- Knowledge of power electronic systems, in particular AC/DC power conversion systems;- Knowledge in embedded systems (ex. arduino, raspberry pi, etc.);

Preference factors

- Past experience (or academic training) in power control and energy conversion systems; - Knowledge of Matlab/Simulink numerical simulation tools; - Knowledge of programming in Python and MATLAB Script; - Knowledge of programming for microprocessor systems; - Knowledge of hardware for embedded systems.

Application Period

Since 18 Feb 2025 to 03 Mar 2025



Power and Energy Systems

Scientific Advisor

Rui Esteves Araujo