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Research Opportunities
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Research Opportunities

Electrical engineering


Work description

1. Design of a hybrid RF and optical low-power node for IoT applications. 2. Specification of the node to be implemented, including the communication system switching functionality. 3. Design of the RF electronic component of the system based on off-the-shelf components. 4. Design of the optical component of the system, including the optical transceiver. 5. Preparation of an experimental assembly to support the IoT node characterisation. 6. Production and characterisation of each component of the system and its functionality. 7. Experimental validation of the IoT node in a typical application scenario. 8. Develop a reconfigurable network architecture base. 9. Prepare the submission of a scientific article. 10. Write the report on the scholarship activities.

Academic Qualifications

MSc in Electrical Engineering, or similar.

Minimum profile required

Experience in the design and experimental characterisation of RF circuits and optical transceivers.

Preference factors

- Previous publications in communication systems at the physical layer, related to developing optical/RF electronic communication systems; - Experience in using tools for designing and simulating RF electronic circuits; - Familiarity with aspects of communication at the network architecture level.

Application Period

Since 14 Sep 2023 to 27 Sep 2023



Telecommunications and Multimedia

Scientific Advisor

Henrique Salgado