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Research Opportunities
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Research Opportunities

Electrical Engineering

Work description

The work to be carried out by the researcher falls within the context of planning the expansion of electrical power systems with high integration of renewable energy production, storage, and new loads such as electric vehicles and hydrogen production. The objective is focused on the development of simulation tools for the operation of power systems, both interconnected and isolated systems, for the quantification of costs and utilization of renewable energy. The tools will be used to define optimal reinforcement plans for power systems.

Academic Qualifications

Bachelor or Master in electrical and computer engineering; energy systems; other related.

Minimum profile required

- Experience in electrical power systems and reliability assessment;- Use and parameterization of learning algorithms based on historical data (e.g. Artificial Neural Networks);- Programming skills in MATLAB and Phyton;- Fluency in English (spoken and written).

Preference factors

- Experience in power system optimization and Sequential Monte Carlo Simulation; - Fluency in Portuguese (spoken and written).

Application Period

Since 12 Sep 2024 to 25 Sep 2024


Power and Energy Systems

Scientific Advisor

Ignacio Gil