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Research Opportunities
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Research Opportunities

Electrical Engineering

Work description

Deepen knowledge of inverters for storage systems, lithium batteries, and remote communication, through a review of specialized technical literature. Study the specific technical documentation related to the configuration and parameterization of the equipment. Perform the assembly and testing of inverters, batteries, and the communication system; Determine and implement remote communication with the inverter and establish the capacity for remote control of the system's charge and discharge power. Gather relevant information and write the final report.

Academic Qualifications

Student in the field of Electrical Engineering.

Minimum profile required

Experience in electronics.Knowledge of programming (Python and C++).

Preference factors

Knowledge of inverters for residential storage systems; Knowledge of communication protocols and communication networks; Fluency in English (spoken and written).

Application Period

Since 19 Sep 2024 to 03 Oct 2024


Power and Energy Systems

Scientific Advisor

Tatiana Guedes