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Research Opportunities
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Research Opportunities

Engenharia Informática e Ciência de Computadores


Work description

- elaborate the requirements specification of an intelligent software module for the detection of pests that affect the olive grove, from an image dataset, using object detection algorithms based on deep learning; - implement an intelligent software module for the detection of pests that affect the olive grove, from an image dataset, using object detection algorithms based on deep learning; - perform usability tests of the module; - write the grant activity report.

Academic Qualifications

Degree in Degree in Computer Science or similar

Minimum profile required

- no overdue course units;

Preference factors

- experience in using relational databases; - experience in web technologies; - experience in docker technology; - experience with mobile cross-platform development frameworks (Ionic); - experience in developing PWA applications (progressive web application); - experience in using open-source web mapping APIs (leaflet / maptalks); - experience in using the SensorThings API, OGC (Open Geospatial Consortium) standard; - experience in implementing artificial intelligence algorithms; - experience in computer security; - excellent performance in the programming, software development and / or artificial intelligence course units

Application Period

Since 26 May 2022 to 09 Jun 2022



Human-Centered Computing and Information Science

Scientific Advisor

Lino Oliveira