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Research Opportunities
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Research Opportunities



Work description

- Study the state of the art in mapping approaches for CGRA via AI methods and conventional methods. - Familiarizing with existing methods in the working group for converting ONNX models to dataflow graphs (DFGs), compiling via MLIR, and co-simulating RISC-V + CGRA. - Determine the representations for the DFG and CGRA architectural specifications most suitable for use in machine learning methods. - Design and implement a machine learning-based method for mapping DFGs to the target CGRA architecture. - Generation of the configurations resulting from this mapping, and the programs for execution (via simulation) on the final RISC-V + CGRA system. - Collaboration in writing scientific articles to disseminate the results.

Academic Qualifications

Master's degree in electrical engineering, computer science, or related field.

Minimum profile required

- experience in hardware design or heterogeneous systems- fluent in Portuguese and English (written and spoken)

Preference factors

- RISC-V and/or MLIR experience - familiarity with ONNX and/or ML / AI frameworks - fluent in English (written and spoken)

Application Period

Since 30 Jan 2025 to 12 Feb 2025



Telecommunications and Multimedia

Scientific Advisor

Nuno Miguel Paulino