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Research Opportunities
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Research Opportunities

Industrial Robotics

Work description

1. Bibliographical review / survey of the state of the art in the area of ??tele-operation of industrial manipulators; 2. Study and implementation of solutions for tele-operation; 3. Study and implementation of an immersive interface based on virtual reality 4. Testing in a laboratory environment; 5. Writing an activity report.

Academic Qualifications

Enrolled in a Bachelor's degree in Electrical and Computer Engineering or related areas.

Minimum profile required

• Enrolled in a Bachelor's degree in Electrical and Computer Engineering, Computer Engineering, or related areas.• Proven experience in Robot programming.• Experience in the following programming languages: C, Python and C++.• Familiarity with the basic operating principles of sensors used in robotics.• Familiarity with fundamental robotics principles.

Preference factors

Knowledge of the ROS framework. Participation in extra-curricular activities linked to robotics is valued;

Application Period

Since 26 Sep 2024 to 09 Oct 2024


Robotics in Industry and Intelligent Systems

Scientific Advisor

Marcelo Petry