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Research Opportunities
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Research Opportunities

Informatics, Electronics and Digital Systems

Work description

- Familiarization with the LLVM / MLIR ecosystem, especially with the current state of the in-house compilation tools that will be the target of the work - Study the current linking method, which combines low-level code ( LLVM-IR code or standard dialects), originated by C/C++ input, with code generated through the custom DSL and dialect. - Propose and implement an improvement to the linking process, to generate RISC-V binaries compatible with the target system - Propose and implement code generation for an additional target (RISC-V with V extension), to demonstrate the reuse of the intermediate build layers for different targets. - Write the scholarship activity report.

Academic Qualifications

Degree in computer engineering or related field. Master's student in computer engineering or related field

Minimum profile required

- C/C++ programming experience

Preference factors

- experience in compilers (parsing, and IRs), and LLVM and/or MLIR ecosystem - Basic knowledge of assembly generation

Application Period

Since 27 Feb 2025 to 13 Mar 2025


Human-Centered Computing and Information Science

Scientific Advisor

João Bispo