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Research Opportunities
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Research Opportunities

Power Systems

Work description

- Development of a platform to enable new energy efficiency and flexibility services for electricity end users, through automatic interface, support and decision systems - Definition of operational requirements of hybrid energy storage and generation systems, with inclusion of electricity market services and flexibility portfolio exploration; - Optimize the scheduling of controllable/dispatchable loads in coordination with local photovoltaic production; - Validation and benchmark of a potential energy management solution for optimal self-consumption services; - Dissemination of the work in international journals and/or conferences.

Academic Qualifications

Bachelor or Master in applied mathematics, computer science, informatics, electrical and electronic engineering or similar.

Minimum profile required

- Previous academic background in electric power systems or similar;- Knowledge or experience of energy systems problems;- Experience in applying optimization algorithms to engineering problems.

Preference factors

- Python and Machine Learning programming skills; - Knowledge of power system control and frequency response; - Experience with energy management system (EMS) development.

Application Period

Since 13 Sep 2024 to 26 Sep 2024


Power and Energy Systems

Scientific Advisor

Vasco Manuel Campos